asirimarco wrote:Good morning to All - Well we've been home a week and a half. Temperatures outside have one from 45 during day to 89 today and 90 something tomorrow. But is supposed to cool down mid week to the low 89's - sure hope so. I have managed to take one morning walk with my friends here to the wetlands. Got in 5500 steps with a lot of time sitting on benches during the walk. This week I get my taxes done and Bill has heart doctor appointment and retinal doctor appointment. We know he has a problem with his heart - lower right part not getting enough blood to it. So don't know if doc will do something or set up more testing. And sure hope something can be done about his eyesight. Right now he is having a hard time. Still very exhausted from the covid. And very depressed. I know some of you had problems with the covid lingering. Any advice you can offer. Did any thing make you feel better? I try to get him out somewhere every day, but I'm ashamed to say it is aggravating me. Sometimes it feels like he is giving up. His eyes are so bad he cannot read or work on his computer. He says the lines of letters move in a wave. Also has to be very careful walking cause the ground undulates.
Also got dinged by the management where we live about having artificial plants on our patio. So went and bought about 7 live plants that I now have to plant in the pots. Sounded like a good idea until I got them home.
W@ell enough complaining. If any one has any suggestions or advice I will be very grateful.
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