Good Morning. Cloudy out this a.m. Trmp is 58°. Sunshine coming later. Rain didn’t amount to anything much last night, but supposed to have some tomorrow tonight again.
Judy, glad you arrived home safely. Was quite an adventure. Anita, Iceland looks like a pretty place too. Enjoy.
Hair cut n my agenda later this morning, but first is changing my bed, throw a load of laundry dry in the washer and run the vac. Maybe will mow front entrance later this afternoon or tomorrow morning. Got a bunch of decorations to put out there for the 4th of Jul and some in my yard too.
Yesterday’s trip to dentist, actually Endodontics, turned into a major operation. Bit down on something hard about a mo pnth ago, which caused sharp pain on a tooth and gum area. Had it checked out, Ex-Ray by my dentist, coyld’t see anything amiss, sent me to Endodontics, more ex-Ray and CBCT scan. Verdict was nothing seemed to be amiss either. No explanation for pain. You can sometimes bruise the gum or surrounding tissues,muscles etc. Suggexted to monitor. Any more issues, let them know. Things seemed to be getting better, but area was sensitive. Eating the otber dsy seemed to aggravate it and was very sore over weekend again. Felt something soft in upper gum line and swollen cheek. Long story short, was infected. Wound up getting it cleaned out along with a root canal Now have temporary filling and on antibiotics. Go back in two weeks for finish work and thrn see my dentist for a permanent filling after that. We won’t discuss the bill . Feeling much better this morning. No pain. Just bit of dull ache which is to be expected.
Enough adventure for this week. Better get my act together here and get stuff done before I have to leave later. Have a nice day everyone.