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Re: Campfire

Postby Shirlv » Mon May 02, 2022 4:49 pm

Cheryl, You wanted a home base so maybe that is the first decision for you. A home base would help you feel more secure. Time and needs change. I have felt some of what you are going through and it was because I had a major decision to deal with. Sounds corny but make lists. It will get better

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Re: Campfire

Postby Bethers » Mon May 02, 2022 6:01 pm

Cheryl, I hope you can enjoy traveling again. Take your time with it. If a good used B should come my way, I think it's what I'd want in the next year or so. And, I admit, having my casita in Arizona is a plan for if I have to get off the road, even temporarily. I'm still not sure that's where I'd want my home base, but it's good enough for now to know it's there. So I understand even if I'm still confused. Just know it's ok to have these feelings, etc. Meantime try to relax and enjoy while you think things through.
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Re: Campfire

Postby Acadianmom » Mon May 02, 2022 6:28 pm

Cheryl, I have the same anxious feeling about traveling. Especially since my breakdown last week. My motorhome is still in the shop. I have a trip to Texas next week depending on what they find. At least I have a home base that I seem to be stuck at. I think about getting a smaller van type motorhome that can at least be towed without having to have two tow trucks. I was lucky my son could come get Sugar since I didn't have air conditioning for 2 days. The prices for used Roadtreks are out of sight. I'm just wondering if all the people that bought RV's for covid will get tired of them and the prices will go down.

Last year I looked at Condos because of all the hurricanes and I'm definitely not a condo type. Being that confined would make me crazy. The prices on houses and condos is just crazy around here.

Hope you get to feeling better.

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Re: Campfire

Postby Irmi » Mon May 02, 2022 7:27 pm

Cheryl, something else to think about is what Beth & Steve & I did. We both have a casita with the space to park your RV. You can come and go as you please. The last thing I want is another house or condo. When I think about the few rooms we used in our home, the casita is the perfect fit for us. Just something else to ponder.
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Re: Campfire

Postby Redetotry » Mon May 02, 2022 7:44 pm

I can't really relate since I have never been on the road full time but I do remember thinking after I finally was able to buy my first Pleasure Way, a line from an old country song, "dreams move on". I never really got into traveling like I did when I crossed country several times in my pickup staying at B&B's or an occasional hotel when not visiting friends. Maybe in the months you were off the road you had a shift in the way you want to travel. You could see if writing your thoughts/options down help. Sending big hugs and hoping you are feeling better.
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Re: Campfire

Postby snowball » Mon May 02, 2022 11:57 pm

I would suggest that you take at least the summer and travel around see sights see if what you are feeling goes away or not perhaps then you can get some idea's perhaps of what to do.. and where perhaps to light... even though until this winter I've been living in my 5th wheel I pretty much been doing the snow bird thing.... I truly did want to travel more part was nerves but most of it was expenses was still paying off the rv and truck I did what I could go down to where I really enjoyed myself and I still want to go down to Q I hope we can work things out so that I can this winter... I am not sure if I will travel like I'd like to unless I get something smaller perhaps like what Beth has... then come "home" to the 5th wheel other than son in law is making a basement apartment for dd and I to use... given the cost of home's even apartments for rent it is the best offer we can get and would be foolish not to accept it.. we just need to figure out how to finish the basement apartment... :roll: harder to do when you don't have the collateral.. I might park the 5th wheel down in Q or find a park model to buy we will see...
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Re: Campfire

Postby MandysMom » Tue May 03, 2022 3:20 am

Cheryl, it occurs to me, You are still grieving. Gve yourself time, before you make big decisions.
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Re: Campfire

Postby BirdbyBird » Tue May 03, 2022 8:47 am

Having downsized to a RoadTrek I am in awe of those that can fulltime in one. They are much easier to drive, better on the gas mileage and easier to find parking for. (As I may have mentioned earlier, this past weekend after called the alumni office, the University allowed me to park on campus for the reunion and I didn't need to move all weekend.) Now the Velda reminded you. you are still grieving and adjusting from some pretty major life changes. And personal health issues big or small can be unnerving. I feel the difference in my own body. I also have had the opportunity as you have to have traveled and seen a lot of places I never would have dreamed of years earlier. We will never run out of places and people to see or return to but there may be a time when we say "enough". You are younger than many of us and may you regather your traveling legs under you once again and may your curiosity and sense of discovery keep your journey of discovery moving forward for awhile yet. But there is nothing wrong with changing up your plans now and again. Say parking for a month here or there and becoming part of a small community in fabulous places like New England or the PNW or Q, Florida or south Texas.
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Re: Campfire

Postby IrishIroamed » Tue May 03, 2022 9:37 am

Thank you so much for the support ladies!!! Brings tears to my eyes.

I think you're right, I am grieving for the loss of Dad now that the tasks related to his passing are done and no longer occupying my time and thoughts. I think my actual grieving phase is starting now, 7 months after his passing. I think having some type of home base somewhere may help with the feeling of not belonging somewhere, whether it's a condo, casita, etc. Camp Dad's Driveway was my safe place for emergencies (when the old camper got hit on the highway in Louisiana and also when it was trashed in Wyoming by a hail storm). A 'go to' place may help settle my what-if thoughts, but I know I will take my time looking because it was always part of the plan when I first hit the road.

A bit to much of alone with my thoughts time right now. Hopefully, when I get back to actually sightseeing and visiting people once I hit PA, will help with my thoughts.

Love you all for your support!!!! (((hugs)))
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Re: Campfire

Postby Acadianmom » Tue May 03, 2022 9:46 am

Cheryl, since the driving and setting up is the hardest part maybe try staying longer so you can have a couple of days to just relax. I know when I retired I was wound pretty tight from all the years of doing it all.

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Re: Campfire

Postby IrishIroamed » Tue May 03, 2022 2:02 pm

Acadianmom wrote:Cheryl, since the driving and setting up is the hardest part maybe try staying longer so you can have a couple of days to just relax. I know when I retired I was wound pretty tight from all the years of doing it all.


I'm finally back on a weekly schedule once I got to Ohio, not the 3-4 days in IL, WI & IN. So hopefully that will help too, but once I head south for the winter, I'll probably be trying to stay a month or two in one place. Maybe out by Q for bit again, and near Tucson to visit folks out that way for the winter too.
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Re: Campfire

Postby OregonLuvr » Tue May 03, 2022 2:34 pm

Cheryl sometimes just having some plans helps ease the anxiety. I was never a full timer as I needed a home base....for my stuff. I was always trying to become a minimalist at home but never succeeded until the wildfires took care of everything I owned. I now have replaced most of the necessary items and trying not to add dumb stuff to the pile LOL A couple years before that I took off for 3 months and the first few miles always gave me angst. After that it was super fun. I went to Arizona, NM, CA, and Oregon. I met up with friends for a while and then made a stop in Quartzsite to visit with those gals. The weather was terrible, cold and windy so didnt really see much of them. So took off and moseyed my way home. I no longer have my RV as I sold it after the fires as I knew I had other things to take care of. I miss camping BUT not the hassle it has become especially here in Oregon. I dont like making plans for a week of camping months ahead. I am now willing to hotel, motel it when I go somewhere. I wish you nothing but the best no matter what decision you make as to having a home base or not. You will figure it out when you are ready.

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Re: Campfire

Postby gypsyrose1126 » Tue May 03, 2022 8:21 pm

Cheryl, It may just take some time to get used to traveling again. I know my first trip after a long winter is much different from my other trips thru the summer. But of course I don't fulltime so that is a difference too. You have been under a lot of stress, worry, and sadness. Nothing is the same as it was. You will either get used to it after a few months, or make the decision that you need a home base. You will figure it out!
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Re: Campfire

Postby IrishIroamed » Thu May 05, 2022 6:36 pm

Thanks for your thoughts Rosemary. I'm feeling a bit better but that may be because I've been busy this week.

I've been just east of Cuyahoga NP since Monday. Tuesday did a bit of sightseeing and met up with JudyJB on Wednesday. First time since AZ 5 years ago. We went out to lunch and she gave me some ideas for CGs when I hopefully head west to AZ and beyond after my yearly Texas stop around November.

Today was another day around the park. Think I wore Punkin out with all the stops and walks. This time I was able to get to Brandywine Falls since it was closed the last time I was here. Right now it's only accessible from the south. Also saw Indigo Lake, Bridal Veil Falls and the overlook.

It's still been rainy and gloomy and temps in the 50s. But I survived the 3 hours of tornado watch on Tuesday. The storm split and went north and south of me. Didn't start raining until 10:30 pm and only lasted an hour by then. Judy missed the bad weather too.

Next up is visiting with a cousin that I probably haven't seen in 20+ years on Sunday! That should be a fun catching up day!

That's it from NE Ohio. Have a good evening and Happy Cinco de Mayo!
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Re: Campfire

Postby Colliemom » Fri May 06, 2022 7:28 pm

I agree with the others, you have been under a lot of stress and like you say, it’s time to grieve too. Give it a little time, travel around for awhile and see if you still feel the same way about traveling, pulling a TT and so forth or if you think a home base might be a good idea. Sometimes a dream we have had for so long, gets fulfilled quicker than we thought it would, sometimes it’s still there, but manifests itself in ways we hadn’t thought it of. . Follow your heart. It will lead you on the right path.

Some of the things you are feeling now about traveling, camping etc., we’re things I too started to think about a couple years ago. The desire to hitch up and hit the road was not strong anymore. I enjoyed camping, meeting people, seeing new places like my trip out west, then to PA And the GTG’s some of us did. But gradually the urge to travel elsewhere started to wain, and I stayed pretty much in the UP. I was starting to find myself getting bored and also kind of thinking I didn’t want to go anymore. Plus Covid changed things too. Once we got to where we could do things again, people came out of the woodwork and discovered the great outdoors, RV sales skyrocketed here in MI. Campgrounds got more crowded as well as places to visit, it’s become harder to get reservations etc. There’s a different breed of RVers out now.

Last year I went camping over Memorial Day weekend which was a bit in the cool side and too windy for evening campfires as was the fall previous. I was kind of glad to come back home. I didn’t camp at all last summer and didn’t miss it, so knew in my heart it was time to call it quits. Sold the trailer last fall and haven’t missed it. Like Karen, I don’t miss the hassle. I live in a place where people come to visit and vacation. I have miles of trails and roads to walk. Here, lakes to enjoy and all kinds of scenic places to visit within a day’s drive, 7 State parks within 50 miles of home to take walk in if I want and see what the campers are doing. . Granted, Winters. are long but there are pluses and minuses no matter where we live. I have actually found myself enjoying doing things around my house again , working in my yard and other projects that I do. Maybe it’s because I travel so extensively with my parents when I was younger, that I don’t have a desire to head out anymore. The one big thing that I had wanted to do was to go to Mt. Rushmore, Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons where my parents had gone to see what they had saw. . Once I accomplished that and made my trip to Gettysburg, it seems like I was satisfied.

I guess we all know in our hears when it’s time to hang up the keys or keep on rolling. Whether to quit all together, keep a rig and live in aS&B and travel for a week or two or the summer and return home, Stay home and take the rig somewhere for the winter, lots of options.

You also have a deep love for horses and dogs and we can can see from your posts that you will always go to a horse event or farm if you are nesr one. Perhaps down deep in your heart, maybe an S&B with a little property and a horse barn is an option. Ya never know :)
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