Started off my day with a cat scan and then grocery shopping, followed by a new family doctor appt, except I will probably not see him again. My original Cleveland Clinic doctor left in February, so when I asked for an appointment when I got back here, I found a new lady doctor who is an internist and geriatric doctor. Made appt for last week, but they cancelled it because she is now on leave for two months, which means no one can fill my prescriptions I need before I go to the UK!! Anyway, I called nurses, and they gave me the first possible appointment with a family practitioner, and he filled my prescriptions after I met with him today. He is also going to monitor the results of my morning cat scan and other tests I have had at the request of Doctor #1 before she left!! Except at the end of the appointment, Doctor #3 told me he is changing his role within the organization, so I am still a medical orphan. With some luck, my Doctor #2 will be able to see me on June 30!!!
Have to tell you about yesterday morning. I had to dump my tanks, and when I was done, I noticed a very small fledgling sitting on the pavement in front of my vehicle. Honking did not make this little guy fly away. He just huddled down even more, so I had to get out of my rig and go shoo him away. Except he then decided that maybe my rig was his mother, so he flew right to it and hit it before landing on the pavement again. So I had to shoo him even farther away this time. He was able to fly, but did not have complete wing feathers and was definitely confused, but i managed to drive away without running over him. Luckily, the campground was very empty yesterday after the weekenders went home.
Also, found this article about saying "Rabbits" that some of you might find interesting. It is in a UK newspaper. ... on-3256675