Morning. Rainy morning here in northern Michigan. Snow is moving from the NW. We were under an ice storm Warning yesterday till early afternoon when the rain finally moved in. This was my deck yesterday morning". And the yard and everything else were coated as well.But no power outages, downed limbs or branches. Never know what Mom Nature has in store when spring arrives here.
Barbie, my cholesterol has been high too and I will not take statins as they give me muscle cramps. I was talking to my Chiropractor about it and she recommended a supplement called “SPM Activate”. They are Specialized Pro-resolving Mediators. . ... esilience/
Basically what it does is reduce inflammation in your body, which is the cause of a lot of our health issues. Combined with the right diet, it can reduce Cholesterol levels. When I started it, my Cholesterol was 236 and within less than a couple months, this took it down to 150. I haven’t had it checked recently and have to admit that I haven’t been watching my diet this past winter and put on weight. But I know that Staying away from breads, pasta and especially sweets can go a long way to losing weight and cholesterol. I know I need to get back in my fish, chicken etc. routine. Red meat is also supposed to be bad for I don’t eat a lot of it. Alcohol is another source of cholesterol issues because of the sugar. But no problem for me as I don’t drink alcohol anyway. Pop neither except for an occasional mini can of Vernors. Changing a diet is not easy. Requires a bit of work and discipline, but once you start seeing the results, it’s worth it. One doesn’t have to give up stuff forever, you can have a glass of wine or a cookie or something once in awhile, when you get down to your goal as a reward. Sugar is my downfall and I don’t keep sweets in the house, because they are a trigger for me. What is my favorite meals is to take a big bowl of romaine lettuce and add cooked chicken, some tomatoes and whatever else I want on it and have that with nothing else because it is filling. And lettuce is free of calories etc., so you can eat it anytime.
Enough diet stuff. Yes this is going to be a woodcraft and maybe some genealogy day again. Hope all hose in the south came through the storms okay. Guess I will go get cleaned up and dressed and get my day rolling along here. Have a nice dsy everyone and Stsy safe.