This morning I went to putters golf. I started out pretty bad with lots of strokes on the easy holes. But there are 2 holes on the course that are really hard and most of us get really high strokes on those. Hole #5 is really hard and is a par 4 (supposed to be able to get the ball in the hole in 4 strokes) but most of us get it in 6 or more. Today I got it in 3 strokes!!
Then later, we got to the 9th hole which is long, narrow, uphill, right next to the lake on one side and a retaining wall along the other side and then curves to the right up another small hill. I took a good whack at the ball, it went straight, eventually hitting the retaining wall, bounced off toward the hole and landed about 2 feet away!! I putted it in from there!
Got 2 strokes on a par 4 hole that most of us get over 6 strokes on! What a thrill!
Too bad I did so bad on the easy holes or I would have had a great overall score! Next week we have another contest day, luncheon, and tournament. Then one more week of the league for the season after that. I want to see if anyone is interested in still playing on Tuesday mornings after that just for fun until it gets too hot to play for the summer or the rest of the ladies are gone back home (most are snowbirds).
Went to work after that. Was a fairly slow day which was fine with me, but tips were really good! Got a $20 tip from my first client! Oh, and I got to see a guy shoplifting today! He walked past the "greeter" lady with a large TV in his arms and when she asked him to stop (to check for a receipt), he took off running out the door! Apparently, they don't do anything about it to go after them. The cops won't even come out for that.
Last week there was a guy (probably hopped up on drugs) who was shirtless and was trying on bras in the isle and then when they asked him to leave, he started singing and dancing all the way out the door! Quite the spectacle!
Now am just hanging out on my bed with Lola. I have the next 3 days off. Next week I work the weekend and Monday and have the rest of that week off. We are having our last yard sale in the park that Friday so I will have several days to get organized and ready. One last shot to get rid of stuff and make a little money from it. I picked up some sale signs tonight at WM. Most people don't put out signs and just rely on the map they hand out at the clubhouse marking the places having sales. I am in a corner that doesn't get much traffic and no one else near me has sales, so I need to market my sale, so I will put those out on the main street here with balloons I will pick up the night before.
Lots of stuff on my to-do list for this week. Some fun things and other not so fun things. The wind should be calm tomorrow so will try out my bike! I took the battery out of it for now. I think the seat needs to come down a little more but will see how it feels where it is.
Gonna check what is on TV tonight, grab a little dinner and get to bed early. Will open my bedroom windows again tonight for the cool air coming in! 70's during the day and upper 50's at night.
I guess I still have thick blood from living in MN so long! Cooler temps feel good to me!