Not much going on here. It got up to 74 but was mostly overcast all day. I got my roses pruned but didn't clean up the mess yet. Roses fight back when you try to cut them. Sheila, I looked up the rose you mentioned, Shella's Perfume, and found it online. They are $80.
It's been a long time since I have bought a rose bush but they were around $25. The web site said it wouldn't ship until May and Roses need to be planted now here. I see it listed on one of the nurseries in Lafayette but it doesn't say if they have any. When I first built the rose bed I planted some Belinda's Dream roses because Joella recommended them.
I have been a night owl all my life which made it hard to get up to go to work. Now Sugar makes me get up, most of the time around 7:00.
Last night they showed pictures of a walking Mardi Gras parade in downtown Lafayette. That looked like fun. There were no motorized floats, just some on wagons. You just make up your Krewe and join the parade.
Beth, I will have to check out Freshly. Most of the time when I pick up a lunch there is enough food to make 2 meals. I try not to eat too much.
I have some slip joint pliers in the camper that open up large enough to use on the sewer cap. If I have a problem opening a jar I go get them. They can probably be used as a weapon too.
Lyn, hope you can find a solution that you like. I'm not looking forward to ever having to move and having someone tell me what I should do. They try now but I don't listen.
BJ, I finally ask my sister what procedure she had on her face pain. They cut a nerve with a gamma ray knife. She said it was up around her ear. She was pain free for about 3 months and she started having pain again. The first pain was very sharp and now it's just an ache. Every time she tries to get off the pain medicine for it the pain comes back. She is going to see the neurologist again in a few weeks to see if there is anything else they can do.