sounds like a good idea Karen might need to look into it... I ought to go get some bulbs and plant them but not sure where I would plant them... love to see tulips and daffodils don't like grape hyacinths though I think cause you start them and they never stop.. I wish that I'd been smart enough to plant some bulbs at Larry's grave where they couldn't be mowed cause now there is a rule that you can't plant stuff like that guess it makes it too hard for the lawn mowers... probably the rule then or I would have planted something...
I think that next summer I will either buy a bird bath or bring over my bird water feeder or both they serve two purposes.... the water feeder looks like a chicken water feeder but hangs and the container is much smaller
it's a mason jar...
I really need to get up in earlier in the morning still have a batch of clothes to wash probably need to pack for my mom and perhaps for myself... it depends am hoping my brother calls me so we can talk about the logistics he is trying to decide if he brings over wife and daughter or just him... the problem being that he isn't sure he can get mom into his car as it's higher and what if mom needs to go potty really would need help there... so I said that I could go over with them and then come home possibly we could take mom's car as it's lower and then return in a day or so and he could go back with his sorta need to know so I can pack for myself as well...
today was a better day she did well with PT sat up seemed more "with it" my brother reminded me that Nov isn't mom's month she lost 2 husbands a daughter and a brother in Nov so seems to go into a funk when Nov arrives... I can understand been so long since I've been around her during Nov that I'd forgotten and all of the decades ago but guess it's just what is
they weighed her and according to her when she came in she weighed 111 today 117.5 but since she eats like a bird I'm wondering if either she gained weighted during the summer (as she hasn't been weighed since I've been here ) or if it's water weight... did find out the MRI showed edema on both hips as well as degeneration due to age...
went to a church activity had soup really good and salad good as well and we won't mention the caramel and apples
and a speaker about learning to communicate better... hmmm good ideas