I actually made it to the food truck...and totally worth it... some what expensive though but it's Jackson and what can I say you sorta get used to it... it was probably among the best fish and chips I've had...
so I started my afghan all over again... never have had to do it this much might pull out a row or two but this is the 3rd time from the beginning... we will just hope for better results this time... I had fixed the miss count but had to add yarn to what I was using and the knots ended up in the fringe and not the part I would have cut out... and I couldn't handle it...
mom is doing lots better today able to get out of the bed easier... still hurts she hates the question on a scale of 0 and 10 where is your pain level... so regardless she usually says about a 6 she out to vary that a little bit though..
just glad to see her perking up a bit... think they are worried about her food intake though never good I thought today that she really doesn't care about food she will eat what is put in front of her but if you ask her what she wants rarely can come up with a answer... doesn't matter don't care that is another good name for a cafe I always wanted to name a cafe I Don't Know
it's cold tonight found out that my sil put the pink stuff in even the hot water tank isn't that one place it shouldn't go? will need to flush everything really well when I get south...
but do I wish that they would relax the visitor policy a bit I am going to feel really guilty if I leave and she has no visitors because the logical one to put on the list is my niece and she is so busy...if my dd was working her in town I would put her on it because she would go over and see her niece is really busy with her work being a mom and one of the girls has some extra places to be because she is autistic and something else so has lots of help she needs to go to... so I get it she is busy just not sure what to do... well you all have a good day