Answer (sort of) to Velda's Question :-)

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Answer (sort of) to Velda's Question :-)

Postby Cudedog » Sat Jul 31, 2021 2:50 pm

MandysMom wrote:
In next few weeks, it's likely that one by one the hydro (water) turbines, that provide much of CA electricity will be shutting down due to lack of water to power them! I don't know if that has happened before, I sure don't recall it and I was born in CA! Anne, there's something for you to research, have they ever had to shut turbines down for lack of water?

and, from me:

Velda, that is a really interesting question! I love questions like this. LOL, I'm on it! Fun stuff for me. Thanks!


Well, I don't know if any of you will find this as interesting as I did, but here we go. ;)

For the most part, I tried to stay with government websites as it is (generally) government agencies that collect the data in the first place, the data found on government websites is (generally) vetted by the agency uploading it, and thus tend, over-all, to (generally) have the most accurate information.

Alternatively, in the wild world of the Web, anyone, anywhere, anytime can create a website that might contain information purported as “facts” which are in actuality are little more than (at best) conjecture or (at worst) the wild imaginings of the website’s creator.

With these disclaimers out of the way:
Definition of hydropower, or hydroelectric: Electricity that is produced through the power of moving water (hydro = water).

Aside and totally off-topic (I can’t help myself 8-) ) there is a serious, nearly always fatal disease that used to be called “Hydrophobia” (hydro = water; phobia = fear), in other words, “water fear” or “fear of water”. Anyone care to take a guess as to the modern name of this disease?


“Hydroelectric power in California is broken down into two categories: large hydro, which are facilities larger than 30 megawatts (MW), and small hydro. Small hydro plants qualify as renewable energy under the Renewables Portfolio Standard. The annual hydropower production in California varies yearly and depends on rainfall.”

As of 2018 (the most recent stats that I found) hydroelectric power (a combination of “small” and “large” hydro, as referenced above) produces about 13.52% of California’s electricity.

Other ways electricity is produced in California:

Natural Gas
Nuclear (!)
Other (petroleum coke/waste heat)
Coal (!)

“Large hydro projects are those larger than 30 megawatts (MW) of generation capacity. The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the state's Department of Water Resources operate Large hydro plants in California such as Folsom Dam, Oroville Dam, and Shasta Dam."

Map (includes amount of GWH – Giga-Watt-Hours – generated in each county (2019) scroll down the page for each counties stats):

Power plant locations (map does not specify what kind of power is produced at these locations – i.e., either hydroelectricity or electricity generated by some other means, as listed above):

Number and types of power plants generating “Utility Scale” power:

There are thirty-six Counties in California generating hydroelectricity. Of these, 19 counties are capable of generating “large” hydro (as defined above).

Here is a listing of the number of hydro plants in California, both Large and Small (there are a LOT of them - I had no idea!) – 202 small, and 72 large hydro plants, for a total of 274 hydro plants in California (!) as of 2020:

As to finally getting to your question (LOL – this has been a fascinating ride, I had NO idea about any of this!) lightly searching (I only spent a couple of hours on this project) only one of Oroville’s (there are three in Oroville) hydro plants, the Edward Hyatt Powerplant, is projected to possibly need to shut down due to low water levels.

The references I have found all state that, if it happens, it will be the first time ever.

No word on the other two hydro plants in Oroville, or on any of the other hundreds of hydro plants in California.

Perhaps I could discover more if I was able to commit more time this effort. If anyone would like to add anything here, please jump in!

But my guess (LOL – my conjecture!) is that many, if not most of of the hydroplants in California (and in other western states as well), will be looking at serious difficulty in the coming months due to dwindling water supplies.

Thanks, Velda! :D

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Re: Answer (sort of) to Velda's Question :-)

Postby JudyJB » Sat Jul 31, 2021 7:17 pm

Hydrophobia = rabies, but I am not sure why.
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Re: Answer (sort of) to Velda's Question :-)

Postby Cudedog » Sat Jul 31, 2021 7:42 pm

JudyJB wrote:Hydrophobia = rabies, but I am not sure why.

Yes, you are correct. :D
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Re: Answer (sort of) to Velda's Question :-)

Postby Bethers » Sat Jul 31, 2021 9:27 pm

JudyJB wrote:Hydrophobia = rabies, but I am not sure why.

I would never have guessed that but you saved me from a Google search, thank you.

Anne, that's all interesting. Thanks for your research.
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Re: Answer (sort of) to Velda's Question :-)

Postby MandysMom » Sun Aug 01, 2021 2:53 am

Yes I knew it was rabies and the hydrophobia part has to do with neurological issues animals afflicted with acute rabies exhibit: the victim has excessive salva because of the disease and can't swallow due to swelling and constriction of their throat. It literally hurts too bad to swallow, so they refuse drink/water- hence hydrophobia (fear of water).
Interesting on our hydro plants. The KCRA report I heard and later read, stated that Shasta, Oroville and Folsom were closest to shutting down turbines, but until rains come others will follow. In addition, many wells in the northern part of the valley are running dry and families are having to haul water.
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Re: Answer (sort of) to Velda's Question :-)

Postby Cudedog » Thu Aug 05, 2021 8:27 pm

Reading this afternoon that the electrical turbines at Lake Oroville were shut down this afternoon, August 5. Not sure about this, still looking for verification.

But as this photo seems to show, it is hardly a surprise (if this is, in fact, a current photo of the Enterprise Bridge).

Normal times:

Sue, thank you for your comment about liking the video links I have posted. I ran across this video the other day (link below), showing that mighty lake Oroville has become little more than a glorified mud puddle. Most of the photos/videos one sees posted are from the air looking down at California's drying lakes.

This video is from water level, looking up (see where the trees are, at the top of what seems to be a large hill? WAY up? The water level should be at the trees).

The lake video gives a whole 'nother perspective on the matter. And not a pleasant one.

The water level continues to drop at Oroville, currently about a foot a day. Maybe 90 more days before Autumn rains. . .

I believe the water situation is a greater concern than all of the other issues combined. Including wildfire.

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Re: Answer (sort of) to Velda's Question :-)

Postby JudyJB » Thu Aug 05, 2021 10:43 pm

Amazing when you consider how the lake overflowed a few years ago.
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Re: Answer (sort of) to Velda's Question :-)

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Aug 06, 2021 1:55 am

WOW!! :o
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Answer (sort of) to Velda's Question :-)

Postby MandysMom » Fri Aug 06, 2021 2:37 am

There are 3 power plants on Lakr Oroville. Only 1 of the three shut down turbines accordi g to kcra article today.
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Re: Answer (sort of) to Velda's Question :-)

Postby Cudedog » Fri Aug 06, 2021 2:24 pm

MandysMom wrote:There are 3 power plants on Lakr Oroville. Only 1 of the three shit down turbines accordi g to kcra article today.

Thanks, Velda! :D

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