Good evening gals.
I don't go to McD's very often anymore. Used to love Big Macs and still occasionally stop there for one. I still love Taco Bell tho. Almost stopped there after work tonight. Yesterday I stopped at 5 Guys for a mushroom cheeseburger which was really yummy!
When I was following Linda (Bikerchic) from Iowa to California behind her RV, we were going thru a very windy area of Wyoming, when her awning started coming off. She pulled over right away and I pulled behind her. She was up on the roof with duct tape trying to hold it together. Then a highway patrol pulled up behind my car. He said he had a report of an awning on the highway along there and was curious if it was hers. He was really cute so we were chatting with him for a bit. Then he pulled out and we saw him pull over just a little ways ahead of us and got out to remove the awning that was laying across the highway (in the lane we were traveling in). I think Linda was very lucky she had to pull over when she did, or she would have ended up running over the other awning just ahead of us. That could have been bad for her and for me!
My PT appointment went good. The guy gave me a thorough exam and said he thinks it is mostly a muscle issue and that there is some impingement near the shoulder joint causing a lot of the pain I am experiencing. It is called "Shoulder Impingement Syndrome" (Shoulder impingement syndrome is a common cause of shoulder pain. It occurs when there is impingement of tendons or bursa in the shoulder from bones of the shoulder. Overhead activity of the shoulder, especially repeated activity, is a risk factor for shoulder impingement syndrome.)
I got some exercises to do at home to help open up that area of my shoulder and make it more flexible. I need to go back twice a week for the next month. I may have to get a cortisone shot tho. I am relieved that it isn't something more serious (needing surgery) and can be helped fairly easily. I may be able to play golf again one day!
Now I don't have another day off until next Tuesday. But then I have 3 days off in a row. I am thinking of telling everyone at work that I am going out of town so they don't call me to cover for them those days!
I finally got the kitty heating pad for Lola. It kept getting sold out before I could order it but finally was able to get one ordered. She hopped on it on the bed right away! I think I like it better than mine! May have to switch them out!
Got almost caught up on my autobio class last night. Still have a little homework to do tonight yet.
The wind finally calmed down this afternoon and was barely in the 60's today but back up to 80 tomorrow.
Have a good night!