was it doing it before they played around Beth? if not I would assume that somehow they caused it... however how do you prove it??? its like the brake light that I have on... had the front brakes done last winter went back because the brake light was on constantly they couldn't find anything wrong still on when I got to Ut took it to the shop they looked and looked and finally decided that some wire got cut or broken or something where the brakes are so to fix it would be costly like having to redo the brakes costly...so I ignore the brake light..
did some laundry today fixed supper not sure what I did talked with my sister and visited with my mom understand better what they are planning on doing according to my brother... first she has to have a MRI tomorrow... then when they know more what her compression fractures are they will fill the fracture with a cement of sorts to make it stronger. But in the mean time she really hurts... my dd is there says she had to help her to the bathroom... as she had a hard time getting out of the chair..
my brother said that he doesn't think she can go another winter alone... with that I am not sure that I will make it down to AZ this coming winter... as I am the logical person to stay with her... I feel like the worst daughter as I truly don't want to you know get your own plan but I also know that if that is what she needs will do it... I am so not in love with winter...
need to get the positive vibes going and think of how to make it work without being a snot about it... I've had nieces that have stayed with her for summer work ect they just move in and leave all that is there (Mom has clothes in all three bed rooms...
) and she wears very few of them... I will want some of my needs there or what I consider needs...
my dd who is with her right now says mom if you move in with her some how they (meaning my brothers) will need to come and let you leave when you need to... her son's in laws were kept at home due to elder care for several years.. and no one would spell them... My mind is just not just stopping oh well we will see what the summer brings
one of my brothers is still working and working in a field where he is exposed a lot to the virus
another brother as a handicap daughter hand she as well as his wife needs him at home
another brother and wife could but not sure that they will do it more than occasionally
my sister is handicapped as well
logically it's me
oh well enough of my whining