It's been about 4-5 years, but way back when we had a GTG at Hillsborough SP, a bunch of us went to a place to get strawberry shortcake. They had several kinds even with ice cream, and had fruit, vegetables, and preserves.
Does anyone remember where that was? I found one place called Pareksdale Farm Market. Was that it? No photo of the outside of the place.
I am making reservations for Florida 2021 - 2022 already and places are filling up really, really fast! It has always been challenging to get my favorite state parks, but it is now even worse. Daily rates are a lot cheaper for places in premier places, such on the Atlantic--$26 per night versus $125- $150 for a site down the road. Obviously, I want the cheaper places, but this morning I was one minute away from two sites opening and the entire site crashed. Could not even log back in! Said too many people were online.
Anyway, I want to stop and get preserves at that place if anyone can remember where it was. I know Lyn was there, and maybe Liz??