I am in that crowd that have a hard time getting out of bed when it's cold out... then it forms a habit and I have to admit to staying in bed way to long... part of the reason I don't get done what I should or need to... today I crawl out of bed take Shadow outside and sit and think over my day what I need to do and sorta plan it or not...
then we went back it although not overly windy it was breezy and chilly... so still pondering the best plan of action I'll be two hours have gone by... finally I decide got to do something or I won't be able to get down what needs to be got gas got a shower then out to South LaPosa and got water... then back into town wanted a decent meal but wanted it late enough it would count for supper and to grocery store... when I came out of restaurant I noticed water lots of water by the truck should have looked to see why but didn't to grocery store wanted a ham steak for dinner tomorrow... home and hooked up the water pump yea me and realized that the source of leakage was the barrel wasn't closed tightly... I suspect that when I closed the tailgate that it knocked it open a bit... will have to push the barrel back further when I get water again... and got the hoses connected correctly and waited for the water to go into the tank and waited and waited and finally realized I'd not opened the connection that closes the barrel oops
after that it ran quite well... and got me up to yellow will need to make another trip and finish filling it up but won't do that till later...in the week. I keep water bottles filled with water for the purpose of watering plants and bird water containers as well as Shadows water dish outside... and in the event that I run out of water in the tank which shouldn't happen now that I have a working pump...
while at the restaurant saw a sign saying not to put your phone on speaker... I always have my phone on speaker so I can hear better... so youngest called and I swiped you off texted back and told her I would call when I got home... after filling the tank and getting Shadow out I did so then barely hung up when eldest called... we chatted for quite awhile... had to go inside though as the sun was down and it was getting cold...
funny thing at Walmart yesterday I had this gentleman come up to me and say yes you have glasses on can you read this expiration date... laughed said sure and took off my glasses to read them... he was amazed you can see that without glasses on well yes some of us can do that...
my good deed for the day I guess...
thinking of going up to Vegas to see my sister she seems to think that we ought to celebrate Valentines day together...it was never a big deal in our house (my husband's and mine) need to take nephew's afghan up to him anyway... should see about getting Shadow an appointment with the vet... he is due for a shot and heart worm test so he can get more med's still has a few months on what I have... quite frankly I'm not sure what I will do his quality of life is really going down hill.. not sure what I will do and when...
well that is my do nothing day
you all take care