Good very early Morning! I can’t sleep so I’m not offering coffee…just because. I did remember to say Rabbits on the 1st. Great news for you Tina! Ensure and Boost will probably be on your menu for a while. Sue, last night we had thunder and lightning and snow all at the same time and the temperatures have dropped, luckily we didn’t get much snow, but the roads were very icy. BJ..could that be a spider bit?
Nothing new around here. I thought I lost a filling and went to the dentist only to find out that a lost part of the tooth. I had to have a prescription filled today and ran into the woman who oversees coordinating the COVID vaccine. She told me that I would probably be getting a call in a couple of weeks. I don’t know if I should say this, but my son had his second dose last Thursday after he finished his shift. He ended up with chills, fever and just felt like crap, plus he had hives. He isn’t sure if the hives were from the vaccine. A couple of the people on his flight team and he went out for sushi together right after they were vaccinated, and he wonders if they weren’t from something he ate. I haven’t heard of anyone else ever getting hives.
Have a good day. I’m going back to bed!