Rain in the forecast!

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Rain in the forecast!

Postby Cudedog » Sat Jan 23, 2021 12:07 pm

I'm looking at the forecast over the next week for the Sacramento, California, area:


and it looks like "Rain, heavy at times" for Tuesday, with "chance of rain" continuing for several days after that. Yay!

I know that many of you in other parts of the country have probably had your fill of wet winter weather by now, but here in my area of northern California we continue in a period of severe drought. The rainfall so far this season (generally out "rainy season" lasts from October - April) has been minimal to nonexistent. Over the last week or so temps have even been springlike, hovering in the low to mid 70's.

Nice weather to be outside working in the yard, to be sure, but on the other hand extremely worrisome as well.

Here's hoping that the predictions pan out!

[Keeping my fingers crossed]

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Re: Rain in the forecast!

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat Jan 23, 2021 11:10 pm

Keeping my fingers crossed for us too! We got a little rain off and on today. More expected on Monday, then a lot more on Wednesday and then a little more by Friday. So will be a cool wet week here but much needed!

Ann, I hope you get your rain there too!
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Re: Rain in the forecast!

Postby Bethers » Sat Jan 23, 2021 11:23 pm

We need the rain predicted here in southeast Arizona, too. What I dislike is that temps are dropping considerably for a few days ... Enough that we could get rain changing to snow overnight Tuesday. At least I know a couple days later we'll be back in the 60's, but I'm thinking I'm going to be going through propane in the rv, so probably will take it out on Monday to fill the tank. I don't want to run out.
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Re: Rain in the forecast!

Postby JudyJB » Sun Jan 24, 2021 1:52 am

I will keep my fingers crossed, too.

I was in Laughlin, NV, last week, and then in Lake Pleasant, AZ, which is northwest of Phoenix, and got rain in both places, but the temps did drop. Also got rain here in Mesa, AZ, the night before last, and just a bit today. More is expected late tonight.

However, as much as I am glad there is finally rain around here, I made the serious mistake of going outside at dusk three nights ago and now have several huge mosquito bites. I react to them really badly because apparently my immune system is still weakened. (My doctor says this is common with people like me, and apparently, when i get a few bites, my immune system thinks it is being attacked and rustles up every last bit of fight it has to attack the invaders.)

I will not post pictures and gross everyone out, but each is red and swollen about an inch or so in diameter and the center is either black or has pus of some sort in it. Plus, they don't just itch, they sting and burn. I've been putting cortisone cream on them and trying a couple of pain-killing post-insect-bite creams. I also have been downing Benadryl at night so I can sleep! Ice packs and Aleve also help.

What I really need is prednisone and antibiotics from urgent care, but I am trying very hard not to go into doctor's offices unless I am close to dying! Hoping by Monday things will be calmed down.

Anyway, Anne, when the rain comes, you can do what my son's high school students did when it rained after the last big California drought--they all ran outdoors and danced and jumped around in the puddles like little kids!!
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Re: Rain in the forecast!

Postby Cudedog » Sun Jan 24, 2021 12:21 pm

BarbaraRose wrote:Keeping my fingers crossed for us too! We got a little rain off and on today. More expected on Monday, then a lot more on Wednesday and then a little more by Friday. So will be a cool wet week here but much needed!

Ann, I hope you get your rain there too!

Barbie, thanks for the good wishes.

Yeah, I hope we get rain too. :? It was "supposed" to start raining yesterday. . . nope. Sunny and warm (low 70's) all day. Supposed to be raining this morning. Nope. Sunny right now, with scattered clouds.

The forecast has now changed from "rain" and "rain heavy at times" for most of the coming week to just "a chance of rain". [sigh] :( Not good.

Spent a couple of hours working outside, getting the vegetable garden prepared with manure (planted lettuce, cabbage, onions and carrots - will cover these on frosty nights - bare-root strawberry plants should arrive this week) looking forward to more planting maybe early March.

Have tomato plants already growing in the kitchen - these are cuttings I rooted in water from last year's tomatoes. I love tomatoes, and wanted to get a really early start.

If it doesn't rain, I am beginning to be concerned that water rationing will happen again, and I won't have water for my garden when it gets to 112 (as it will here).

Will be putting in a drip irrigation system, with a timer, as the main planting season comes closer. I also am putting "garden cloth" down, which pretty much takes care of the weeds (used it last year to excellent effect).

I am a lazy gardener, I guess.

JudyJB wrote:I will keep my fingers crossed, too.

I was in Laughlin, NV, last week, and then in Lake Pleasant, AZ, which is northwest of Phoenix, and got rain in both places, but the temps did drop. Also got rain here in Mesa, AZ, the night before last, and just a bit today. More is expected late tonight. . .

However, as much as I am glad there is finally rain around here, I made the serious mistake of going outside at dusk three nights ago and now have several huge mosquito bites.
Anyway, Anne, when the rain comes, you can do what my son's high school students did when it rained after the last big California drought--they all ran outdoors and danced and jumped around in the puddles like little kids!!

Thanks for the crossed fingers, Judy. Please also cross your legs and eyes and toes. :? :lol:

Judy, sorry to hear about your mosquito bites. I also react to mosquito bites - although not so bad as you. I found a "mosquito hat" on Amazon that I purchased for working outside, and it works very well. Unfortunately, I laid it on the ground while I turned my back for about 10 seconds, and Joe gave the veil part "a bit of a chew", which ruined the veil. The hat part was still fine, so cut the tattered veil off and just ordered a new mosquito hat.


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Re: Rain in the forecast!

Postby snowball » Sun Jan 24, 2021 1:48 pm

it's cold out and it's rained some today although according to the phone it wasn't suppose to rain much today...
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Re: Rain in the forecast!

Postby JudyJB » Sun Jan 24, 2021 5:03 pm

I put the hat on my wish list that I keep for my kids to buy me for birthdays and other times. I do have a couple of head nets, but I like the hat. What I really need is a whole body net! For some strange reasons, mosquitos like my left leg and arm. And they tend to bite the backs of my legs where I can't see them--the mosquitos or the bites until after I have been scratching them for a while.

It has sprinkled fairly heavily several times during the night and just now, but the weather says 0 rain. Supposed to be more tomorrow and off and on throughout the week.

My weather app shows rain really close to you, so be hopeful.
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