Lyn the big rigs didn't come this year... yea!!!
there have been a couple of rv's come and go right now there is a couple of rv's there around where they had their fire pit... one a 5er and not sure what the other is as the 5er blocks the view... there is also a small tt over by the road but in the area of the big rigs... one TT looks like a utility trailer made into a TT has windows door ect in about Kerry's spot other than that no one here... Miss you as well ... the traffic isn't has bad although it had me wondering one day Kuen going West one day was backed up to Tumbleweed RV Park (Rose RV Park new name new owners I believe) and the free way was a disaster but have a feeling it was an accident or something that caused that...
It rained during the night enough to made wet ground and puddles
cloudy all day think that tomorrow is suppose to be better less wind more sun some rain but possibly in the early am didn't get my sit out in the sun time in today as the chairs were wet...
but really can't complain as we really need the rain suppose to get some this weekend.... oh knows bit off in the future...
got the desk cleaned off so tomorrow I can put stuff on it
my stand that I have had books on has taken a beating I don't want to loose it and think that I need to take some of the weight off it and get it repaired... I got it from my grandfather's estate...and really don't want to loose it so the books that were on it will go to the desk will have to figure out how to secure them when traveling... and hopefully the stand won't bounce so much because it's lighter hadn't thought of that need to figure out what is best but do think the the weight needs off that shelve...
been just a day of little or nothing done... did visit over the phone with a friend of mine that is no longer down here... totally amazed as she and her husband her daughter and her husband all had COVID and all survived given the age of my friend and her husband the other is her dd and sil (they live in the basement) but understand the dd health was such that they were told if she got the virus she probably wouldn't make it... very glad that they all did ok...
so tomorrow need to go get propane and hopefully the wind will be so that I can change the oil in the generator... and get some stuff done here inside the house...
you all have a good night