was reading along and thought new golf cart don't remember that no wonder I thought I smelled propane the tank just went out guess I ought to go out and change tanks....
this one lasted just over a week hooked it up on the 26 but it runs a lot late into the night some times even in the day time depending upon the temperature inside be right back...back and the temp only dropped 1 degree of course I really don't need it this warm am ok at 70 and right now it's 72
now my mom keeps the house down to where I freeze like 65 or lower... I sure hope that if she decides that she needs me to move in we can do some compromising on that issue...
the strangest thing happened last night .... I stay up way late so I can take Shadow out late so about 2;30 I went out and off in the far distance saw this bright lights... sorta like the brightness of ..... light bulbs can't come up with the name of them... anyway very bright not seen them in that area thought wow wonder what solar bank did that??? then the imagination rolls in ....
tonight don't see them... yet it's not 2:30 yet but sorta worrisome not seeing them I know that I saw them
so today didn't pan out like I plan it knew that when I laid in bed way to long but got some of what I wanted to do done... wanted to straighten up one of the cupboards make sure all had lids ect... I've had this tupperware steamer bowl (use it in the microwave with a bit of water in the base and veggies steam) loved it but micro doesn't work and for one person way too much so think I will leave it with my dd this summer... so put it into another cupboard if someone taller had been here it would have gone over the fridge was lazy and didn't want to drag chair over and put it there I think the next time my friends are out here will see if she will be so kind she is a bit taller than me... probably with the step stool she can reach... grocery's put away remind me I don't need any ramen noodle soup I have some in an area that I've not checked
was going to make BLT sandwich today but I decided I had some deli turkey to use up so turkey quesadilla wished it had been the BLT
watched this gal (Nataches Kitchen.com) her first name is so misspelled... make one looked so yummy she even puts avocado in it... anyway had all the ingredients so thought why not there is always tomorrow right?
you would think with more time at home I would get things done but doesn't seem to be working...
that is going to be so neat when finished Irmi
Tina so good to see you
do you hear better Beth? if so then a good thing right?
the solitaire game I play is called forty thieves something like free cell... need to go if I'm going to get in a game before I turn off the generator
you all have a good day