not an overly productive day but then Friday's rarely are... did go get some bread from the farmer's market we consumed two loaves of it with our Hobo Stew... sure tasted good
watched a free concert from the Utah State University only half hour but very good
have a neighbor but wished he wasn't quite as close... all the desert to park in and he chooses my side yard
if it was someone I knew it would be different but oh well perhaps he won't be here long... it's just a utility trailer with 3 solar panels on it fairly large ones at that... will have to be more careful of the time I've been late turning off the genny figure no one close enough to hear what does it matter???
did get some paper so now I could wrap mom's gift if I hadn't left it in the truck
but need to find a box to put it all in someone picked up boxes for my friend said they were the largest the post office had... and don't think they are big enough
I took my books over to my friend she will read them then hopefully they will make it to the park's library... and I miss counted at least another bag of 20 perhaps two bags but not sure guess I could go recount them or have Mel do it...
but now they are not at my house... none of my kids have answered back about the printer... did talk to my eldest she was concerned about it being compatible with the new devises so it may just go to the dumpster... but will deal with it after Christmas...
Hopefully Peggy's phone got fixed
some of Martha's pralines made it to a get together here don't remember who brought them but sure were good
Hopefully today found Tina feeling better
you all take care