I put this under the wrong day so am moving it over here...
I didn't sleep very comfortably last night. Couldn't sleep on my back because of the proceedure done on my right butt cheek. Couldn't lay on my right because my butt still hurt on that side, and couldn't lay on my left because of my shoulder. So I was twisting around trying to find a comfortable position somehow. Now my back is sore from that. Still got a sore behind today. Still a bit swollen back there,
Went to my doctor for my shoulder and she thinks it is arthritis but wanted to get some x-rays done and then probably send me to PT. She said if the pain gets too much she will send me to an orthopedic specialist for a cortesone shot. I have had those before and I would need to be in an awful lot of pain to want to get another one! They are painful shots!
Then at 2pm the lady came by for my painting session. It was fun! You copy an outline of the back of an old truck and then paint it with watercolors (which I haven't used since I was a kid). Then I added some flowers to bed of the truck. Was a perfect day to sit outside and do that since the wind died down. Turned out pretty good. Will take a photo and post it. I think I will stick to acrylics. I don't care for the watercolors so much. But it was good to try it.
Gonna relax the rest of the day. Hopefully, my butt will feel better tomorrow so I can go do laundry. Bending over and lifting stuff uses the muscles back there and it hurts a little when I do that. I can remove the bandage tomorrow too.
Have a good evening!