Not getting very far today. Transferring my in-store Walmart prescriptions to mail order was a royal pain!
Martha, I watched a Christmas movie set in Lafayette the other night. While the stories are often similar, I like seeing all the light displays and Christmas decorations.
Pat, so sorry for the loss of friends. This area is being hit hard with this round like so many places across the country.
Thinking of Tina and hoping she is recovering.
I'll be having dinner with Monica and Alan tomorrow. She asked for Christmas requests last night. I started with a couple ideas she said weren't very exciting.
Then got my head into what I'll need for a kitchen - the list grew so she has choices!
With the virus cases rising, the military has put on some restrictions so my grandson won't be coming over here anytime soon.
I don't know if I have mentioned this before - I have an Ancestry.com subscription if anyone has anything they'd like researched. There is so much more available now that a few years ago.
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!