Wednesday Morning..Our CrossRoads

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Wednesday Morning..Our CrossRoads

Postby Barbzeee » Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:02 am


Wednesday Morning...Our Crossroads into the last part of the week..and also my last day in the motorhome sleeping..I have to tell you I'm gonna miss her ! Well not like I'm going somewhere but it was sure fun camping in my driveway...LOL Just like a kid you pretend you are going somewhere.. We sat at the dinette and that is a good feeling looking across the table at one another..give you that one on one feeling by the way..We sometime get away from that with how our fast pace of life can be...but when you are RVing it.. it gets that relaxed feeling.. You all know what I mean.....Nothing finer...and was funny last night as the Critters went to the let me know they wanted to go to bed...they were heading into the motor walking in line LOL I felt like the Monitor in the hall of a school..".single file please" LOL...any way it was great..and now here I sit. in front of all of you...and anxious to see what you were up too ...

Asirimarco (Ann) Ouch... We all know that feeling about a Hair Cut..yikes..and yeah I hear ya 2 weeks..sounds like my construction crew too..2 weeks..uuuuummmm isn't that the story of the Money Pit..LOL but Ann.. most the Sisters here can really relate too you...I've heard this one many many times before..that's sometimes one of the worries of traveling..along with Dentists....ooooooh but your's will grow about a cap !!!! LOL I who have recently had my hair cut after only one time before in my life getting it cut short.. for me it was a relief..but shocker as I woke up and it was all straight up in the air...but's the new doo...We all know you will survive...but hope you aren't in hiding.... :o

Mtntophoundz (Mollie) aaaaah the last time..and then school begins..well maybe you might want to do just a weekend for the kids too as a surprise..ya just never know..but now gets the down to the minute job..yikes..but hey Mollie we are always here ya know..and we will look forward to all your stories of how that day went... and have a great weekend....

Getup n'go (Janice) LOL I can appreciate that 5er..I see how most would hurry out and order one LOL yeah even like the color...Sunshine :) a good one LOL I love the move it's able to make..(the car) 360 turn..LOL too much.. good one to check out I loved my VW when I had one..many many moons ago

Discussion is open on that Book Club..and it should be a good if someone wants to volunteer to keep it going would be wonderful.. I don't read much as with what happens here I'm lucky I get to have my morning coffee.. but I can contribute to some of the books I do get to read when I'm in Florida...:) and oh yeah do the audio books count..cause to me they are like my company when I did a lot of traveling..reminded me of when I was a kid..listening to the radio stories...

DpF...(Pat) how was your get away with the girls..some how you got away from telling us..or did I miss that one... I know I read you were doing the coloring..too..and by the way... getting old is sure mandatory.. but dang are the aches and pains too...LOL....ok fess up woman !!!!

Marysdream (Mary) good to see you ...sure hope you get to post more with us..always enjoyed hearing from you.. and we sure do understand how things are with looking for another critters.. see if I went to a shelter, I'd come home with a zoo...I just look in them eyes and I'm in the ok I have more room... no matter what.. but I do encourage people ..unless you are going to be showing's the way to go.

Fernie...good seeing you back into I know I'm always gonna grin reading..and sure hope that house gets finished so you and Bash can get on the road and you can get back to TN... There's lots of things that could be going on in TN when you get home... I mean lots of the gals can have a GTG with ...:)

Relaxing 101 (Bonnie) Gonna take me a little time getting use to your new name but glad to read that you'll be getting your Rig back home..boy that was some Duct Tape... see it is good for everything :) and again..glad you enjoyed the coffee !

Sunseeker (Jill and Tommy) When are you leaving Louisiana, I know I'm anxious to meet up with you both .. That GTG in New Jersey is only a few weeks if any of you can make it...I know we'd sure love to have you...

AAAaaah and Welcoming ..Jean Anne who is staying at Friday Harbour...Hello ...join us we are a great group of Sisters from all over and love having you...we have morning coffee ..and do rant from time to time..and it's good.. let our hair down (well some of us )..if it's not cut too short...LOL and we just enjoy hearing all your Adventures...and speaking of which.... is the day !! yeah today I get to Flush...Now I know it doesn't seem like much..but think of not being able too...oooooh my no laundry no dishes (well dishes I could do without too) no showers...anyone got a hose LOL but my Plumber will be here my 8am..and the crew with him...oooooooh my...'s time...gals are ya ready

Table is set....I know in first place in my dear friend Echo...she's ready and I can tell...and all the rest of you know your places..Cedar is missing in action here..she got away (hopefully) camping..but you know she'll have a good story to tell us when she gets back...Carold..You are with us.. still in that here.. ok.. I've got some biscottis this morning..dunkin time... Genteladybear..I know you are reading quickly as you get ready for work too... ..
Coffee is perking I smell it...mmmmmm it's good too... soooooooooo

May your Adventures be Great Ones and your Journey be Safe too

God Bless

Barbzeee and Crew

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Re: Wednesday Morning..Our CrossRoads

Postby Echo » Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:52 am

YAWN!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm here.

Ohhh I didn't want to get up this morning, Went to be early too. What a bummer that I have to go to work, today is a day that I sure could've slept in. ? Why is it that this past weekend when I tried to sleep in I got up way before my alarm went off? But all week had I just shut off the alarm I could've went right back to sleeping. Hmmmm? Wonder if the thought of going into 'that job' might be the culprit? Ya think??? ;)

The living room is almost a living room again. Kelly put a bunch of the boxes down cellar. But there's more to go. She will be letting David know which ones she needs him to carry down. Then some of the others have stuff in them she is going to put on freecycle. Freecycle is good! LOL

Looking forward to the mini GTG that Paulette and us will be having next week. It's always exciting to meet up with a forum sister. Would have been awesome if Kelly and I could've gone to Spruce Pine for a weekends worth of camping. But that Saturday is one that we are required to work from 8-5. I guess we really should call it a meet-up instead of a GTG? No camping involved, but it'll be fun anyway.

Talking about helping Mother Nature out with hair color? I wish mine would just go white! Then I wouldn't have to keep messing around. I've been keeping my hair short for the past few years. Just got tired of the hassle of long hair. Had it down to about my waist and everytime I washed and dried it I would be yanking gobs of it out when brushing. No matter how careful I was. And I have years of practice brushing out long hair. I get around to it I'll post a picture of what I did to my hair just before I got it whacked off. Speaking of hair cuts???? The instructor at Mom's school always said to scope out salons, when ya found a girl working in there who had a beautiful hair cut? Ask her where she got it done and who did it. Then GO there!!! :lol:

Sunday of that week as long as I have it open my friend Tracy and I will be going on a nice long bike ride. Leave early and make a day of it. Long but gentle so as to give our butts lots of breaks. :lol: We will be keeping our fingers crossed big time that they don't predict rain for that day.

David is starting a job at the Olive Garden. He worked there before a few years ago so he's kool with it. Had to do training again but will be on the floor right quick to start making money. It's a job he's good at, he's got the looks and personality for it. So of course he makes out good with tips. And he knows a little bit of Italian too. He spent time in Italy when he was in the service.

Ok time to get it in gear. I've been swilling coffee and think I might grab some of that biscotti before Beth gets in here. Just in case she likes it as much as she does cinnamon rolls. YeeHaw!!! Then to get dressed ready for work. Blech!

Hope ya'll have a super great day and everybody be safe.
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
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Re: Wednesday Morning..Our CrossRoads

Postby Fernie » Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:55 am

Hope things go well at your place today and they finish early so you can get on with your life. You can always go visit your Motorhome----at your convenience!!! Think I'm going to go find a cup of coffee. Bash is still sleeping and she makes it here. I am ready to head back to Tn. just have to finish up here. Have a great day.
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Re: Wednesday Morning..Our CrossRoads

Postby Mtntophoundz » Wed Jul 30, 2008 6:50 am

Ugh! I didn't want to get up today! You would think with us leaving I would be excited, but I just can't get it together this morning. I have got the laundry started and some things laid out on the table to take to the camper. I am going to let the kids sleep for a little while longer, so I will get a little more done....maybe. Does anyone put out hummingbird feeders? I have had two out all summer and just here in the last week the hummingbirds have swarmed it. I am filling both feeders every day. I do so enjoy them, but with no one here to fill them up I am afraid they will move on while I am camping. Oh well I guess it was nice while it lasted. Ok enough rambling....Have a great day all!!!!
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Re: Wednesday Morning..Our CrossRoads

Postby asirimarco » Wed Jul 30, 2008 8:41 am

Hum..I was going to get up bright and early this a.m. and say "Hi" but there is a light rain falling and the sky is not bright - good for just staying in bed. When I first retired it was had to sleep in - after 20 some years of getting up at 4:30 - but I finally got the hang of it. Then when I did get up I realized I had to cook for the birds - we are all out of humnmingbird nectar. So now that is on the stove cooling down and I have some time. But when I got up here to the computer I realized I haven't updated my blog for a while, so of course I had to do that too. Any way - Good Morning All Have a wonderful Day.
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Re: Wednesday Morning..Our CrossRoads

Postby oliveoil » Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:28 am

Good Morning----------
We got a nice rain for most of the night---------there were tornado warnings out for close to us----- the weather watch crew called to ask us to "storm spot"------- & for the first time in a lot of years-----I said--- Hubby & I will no longer be storm spotting in Kansas- we will be moving soon----there was dead silence on the other end of the line---------a long silence------ then I said-- Hello--- Hello-----anyone there------& then she said-- we knew this would happen some day--------but we were NOT ready to hear this from you!!!!!!!!!
In about 30 minutes our phone rang & it was one of the main team of the storm spotters in the state-----& he said-- what is this I hear about you two no longer spotting storms for us & you are moving?????????? Who is going to give classes for us---who is going to spot for us--- what are we going to do with out you two??????????? I said-- the same thing you did before we started many years ago!!!!!! :D
He asked if they could have an appreciation dinner for us------for our years of service----& I said thanks-- but no thanks------we are really really busy with the move & getting ready for the auctions---- instead of a dinner----- why doesn't everyone who would have came to the dinner just come to one of our auctions & buy something!!!!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
You know Hubby & I have discussed this & I think we are through storm spotting for ever----or for reporting storms-------we did it a lot of years & donated hundreds of hours of our time--but I think that chapter of our life is over!
I think I'm through being out in the bad weather reporting those storms---& having a few hundred bad encounters that it was only by the grace of God we survived------ for all that work & time---& wear & tear on us----- etc/etc---- for many people to never even take cover!!!!!! :roll: :roll:
I know we have saved many lives over the years--------but I think our time is up as storm spotters-------- I told them to get those idiots that STORM CHASE- to be "storm spotters"---& report the storms--------- & they said -oh yes--sure thing---those idiots-----reporting storms :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: Well what ever works------
Soon I'll be clicking my ruby shoes & saying to Toto (Missy) I don't think we are in Kansas any more!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Well I have lists & lists to do today---------it is cooler this morning yet after the rain----probably need to get a few things done out side before it warms up & with all that humidity!
Barb-hope you get all the work done today--------
Blessings to each of you & have a great day-- & rest of the week!
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Re: Wednesday Morning..Our CrossRoads

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:42 am

Whew....well I made it to the table for coffee before Noon today!!!! Surprise, Surprise!!!!
Bud & his cousin, Brock, had a sleep over here last night.....geez, been awhile since I've had kids giggling and yacking til the wee hours...then their up at 8am wanting did pancakes, sausage, and eggs....they're off on the bikes to get the dishes done and the camper picked's sister is taking them to their house for lunch....then they'll be back to take a swim in the creek.........summers are so much

Well, better get to those all have a good day!!!

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Re: Wednesday Morning..Our CrossRoads

Postby Bethers » Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:16 am

Today is my Saturday and I slept in - till 8! Walked Peaches, then I agreed to clean the 5er next to me, so went over there and got that started. Borrowed that vacuum (it's better than mine) and came over here to vacuum - then decided I needed to say hi here before I took it back and finished over there!

After that, I intend to take a shower and get myself ready for my excursion to get that permanent eye-liner. My g/f and her husband are meeting me after and taking me out to eat. LOL, doesn't everone go out in public immediately after doing something that will make their eyes swell and probably leave me looking like a raccoon for the rest of the day? I'm not sure how my eyes will feel tonight, so may not be on the computer much if at all. What will I do if I can't do the computer or read? Oh my oh my LOL

Have a great day all!
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Re: Wednesday Morning..Our CrossRoads

Postby SeeyaGal » Wed Jul 30, 2008 12:59 pm

Good morning gals, it's a chilly morning from the rain throughout the night and early morn. I lazily woke up and snuggled in my warm robe and here I sit with my coffee and debating on some the stuff! I always buy "Nonni's"

Yesterday I was not a happy camper....a huge German Shephard came into my campsite and took a giant dump! Tried to shoo it away but the dirty deed was done!! I guess the unrulely creature comes through the woods from the expensive houses behind the park and does his poo in the campground!! One of the staff members said the guy has been talked to and does not care!!! Sounds like a trip to the pound for the dog and then he'll have to go down and retreive it then if we catch it....the nerve!!!

Weather is suppose to clear up this afternoon and I'll probably go for a long walk around the park. There's a new library down the road and I really want to check that out too. Moisture brings out the dew marks on spider webs....I'll have to find my spiderweb photo's I took here, the webs looked cool!

DH and I wandered around the pricey houses, the Blakely Woods house sold, it was priced at $4 million but bet it sold for less! All the homes surrounding our park are million dollar homes!!! Microsoft bigwigs! Our park is worth a fortune and hopefully will not be bought out like our other park.
I am enjoying the peace and quiet here, no trains, no stress..aaaaah just what I need.
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Re: Wednesday Morning..Our CrossRoads

Postby Paulette » Wed Jul 30, 2008 1:41 pm

Hi there everyone. Had a hectic morning...took me to the chiropractor (before I head out on my trip) and then took both dogs to the vets for their annual checkup, shots, etc...spent over $600 at the vets! They are going to drive me into the poor house! But, ya gotta love 'em, right?

Jenny, any news on how things are going for the dd and the gk's? Just wondering.
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Re: Wednesday Morning..Our CrossRoads

Postby SeeyaGal » Wed Jul 30, 2008 3:59 pm

all notes on DD ....PM only please....nothing on the forum...thanks.
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