strangest thing happened when I posted last night so testing
when I posted last night this thing came one gave a bunch of numbers said I was block ect... text Beth she fixed it at least I can post...thanks Beth
I think that might explain why I've been missing posts lately and the last couple of days just happen to have seen it pop up...
at least that is my theory
so my itty bitty new from yesterday was I found the books... yea and do believe there is a song something like" I feel so stupid I feel so stupid" I have books on the shelf in the bedroom closet it's deep three row deep of books and for some reason I decided to put them on the second shelf probably to make it a tighter fit while traveling but in my mind when looking for them as they were new should be on the first row... make since anyway
and yesterday when I came home from church I couldn't find my trailer keys looked in my purse in an area I often put them in the truck on the seats on the floor finally went to look for the extra key and couldn't find it just about panicking by that time decided to look in the back seat and there they were on the floor thinking they fell through... another good theory...
but at least they were found so then decided later when I wasn't so worried to look for the extra key thinking maybe the key fell out of the envelope so was patting around trying to feel it when I felt what felt like an envelope so there it was with key so glad to find it as well but think I will have a couple more keys made and put them somewhere just in case...
the valve is in just need to work it out with when to have it put in. have friends that will come out to help me rehook it up just need to get with them on that as well.. texted them this afternoon but no reply back guess I will need to do so again before it gets much later...
a beautiful day today... had some quail come to visit was fun seeing them...
have a safe trip Beth...
it looks like for the most part we are more later people when I have to get up I do so but when I don't have to I is hard to pry me out... I use that time some times to look at FB really ought to put the forum on my phone but it's been a case of when I first got it was always full then youngest dd did something and didn't have that problem till a few days ago and it's started to tell me its storage is full... and I don't know how to put things on the sims card... did finally find my colored pages so going through deleting them ... that will probably help
you all have a good day