JudyJB wrote:Glad to see some rain in northern California!
Me too!
It started raining yesterday morning shortly after I got up about 7:00 a.m. It rained off-and-on most of the day - only light rain, but we'll take whatever we can get at this point.
As others have said on other threads, Covid cases are really taking off in my area as well. My county had done a little "opening-up" over the last few weeks; what with the sudden surge in cases here (and in surrounding counties as well) I understand we will be going back into the most restrictive tier in a couple of days, with everything closed up again.
I had a friend contact me and invite me and several other friends to meet at a local restaurant for breakfast "before they closed everything down again". All of us are retired ex-co-workers, before the pandemic we would get together for lunch or dinner about once per month. It was really enjoyable.
I politely declined the invitation.
Barbie, I think your comment about a non-swimmer jumping into the deep end of the swimming pool just to "see how it goes" was spot on, and extremely appropriate. It actually made me laugh out loud. Good one, Barbie!
Even now, with covid cases surging here, mask-wearers here are
STILL very few and far between. My street is pretty heavy with pedestrian traffic - I sometimes sit at my front window, watching people walk by. Out of maybe 20 people going by, one (more often none) will be wearing a mask.
I am planning a nice Thanksgiving with my kids - I had a medium-sized turkey delivered from one of the local grocery stores yesterday, am looking forward to cooking it along with many of the side dishes that I love, and only have at Thanksgiving. . . I don't expect we will be wearing masks. . .

. . . because we will be doing dinner together via video chat. My son-in-law makes his living as a computer whiz, he is helping to set this up. He says we can even watch a movie together (a family tradition) after dinner via video chat!!
I am quite looking forward to it!!
Although there is no way I can eat my way through the 12# turkey currently sitting in my freezer, my sweet Joe will be happy to help me out. I will give him small portions with his regular food, so as not to upset his tummy. This might seem like a waste to some - but with turkey (an excellent meat protein source) at sixty-five cents a pound, and dog food around three dollars a pound, it is actually a pretty good deal.
Stay safe, everyone. Wear your masks and be sure to social distance. I'm hearing that things are going to get worse before they get better.
Not a good time to be out and about.