I slept in this morning, then watched my church service.
I decided to make a small gourd project for Candiss for a house-warming gift since I have a little extra time before we leave. I started on it today. I am painting the mountains behind us in the reddish color they turn at sunset, with a couple palm trees surrounding the southwest adobe tower that is on the main clubhouse here. I am using metallic colors so it is bright and colorful. I still have to paint the palm trees and the detail on the tower yet. I hope she likes it. She loved the last one I did so I think she will. It will be a good remembrance of this park. I also have to finish the cat gourd for my friend Debbie who will be cat sitting for me.
I stopped at WM tonight and picked up a box of cereal. I don't eat a lot of cereal but sometimes I want some around in case I am in the mood. The only size they had for the kind I wanted was a 23 ounce family size!
. The biggest box of cereal I have ever seen! I couldn't eat that much if I had it every day for 6 months! I bought it anyways tho, since it was cheap. I will pour some into a small plastic bin I have and then bring the rest of it to work for my manager who has a couple kids. I wish they would sell smaller sizes of things for single people.
My friend who lost her horse a couple weeks ago, has found a new horse to call her own. A beautiful Tennessee Walker. I am very happy for her.
Still having issues with my AC units shutting off. The AC guy is coming out on Wednesday morning. I thought I had another issue with the one in the bedroom today. It was on but it was really warm in there and I realized it was just blowing warm air. When I checked the remote, it turns out the heat was on, not the AC!
. I remember grabbing the remote early this morning in the dark and pushing what I thought was the temp button but I must have hit the "mode" button next to it and turned on the heat instead!
Will have to make sure I turn the light on when I need to use the remote.
Had a gorgeous red sunset tonight from the smoke. The only good thing about fires and smoke.