Morning. Got my morni g shower and dried my hair, so ready to start my day. First order of business is to get urine sample from Piper and take it to the vet. She’s been wetting her bed at night, so want to get ither checked out.
Cloudy and damp here this morniNg, so no outside work. Got my lawn tractor going on Sunday and went over my yard with tge dethatcher and then yesterdsy, did the entrance area to the sub here. Now the rain can soak in. Since we are going to have rain next couple days, I will get into my closet paibting project and finish the area of stairway I ran short of paint on.
Martha, your UFO is Skylink satellites. They are in a line of about 12. Barb, if you get the dimensions you need for lattice Under your porch, Hone Depot or Lowes can cut it for you.
For thoseof you who remember ROberta Kallay, she was at a GTG with some os us in Shipshewana and one the covered bridge tour in Rockville. She just returned home from being in the hospital with a pulmonary embolism. She made this post after she came home.
Things are closed and we have all slowed down a bit - perhaps too slow. When I was in the hospital, the doc commented that they are seeing a lot of folks with strokes, pulmonary embolism, deep vein clots since the COVID shut down. Some have speculated hat the clots are COVID related and caused by COVID. But at the hospital where I was treated the docs say they are treating many clots where COVID is NOT present. They theorize that the clots are not caused by the COVID, but rather caused by inactivity of folks with and without the virus. The doc said to spread the word that everyone needs to get up off the couch and MOVE!!! So - I am doing that. Please be sure to remain active. Find some activities where you are moving around. walk outside, go up and down your steps a few times. Think about - we are not even walking around in the grocery any more - it is pick up or a quick in and out. BE ACTIVE - get busy, get up!! Have a good day! Take care and God bless you all!
So please make sure to follow the advice, don’t want any of my forum sisters to wind up with a stroke or worse.
Got to get moving here and get that sample for the vet. Have a nice dsy everyone