Good Morning. Sitting here relaxing for a bit. Already paid my charge card bill, put away a load of laundry, rehung a picture that needed it’s hanger reattached and made a couple business phone calls. Will be time to make some lunch pretty soon.
Tina, I agree about channeling energies into productive things. I made peace with this situation we are in as I know it’s out of my control and we will get through it. I see and hear birds, the snow is melting, my neighbor reports ducks and geese in what open water is on the lake, the days are longer, the temps slowly getting warmer. So nature carries on and so will we. And we will be a changed and better world. Are you still working?
Beth, I have not been contacted by my Chiropractors office. I’m sure that she was probably tested too to make sure. But she has to quarantine for 14 days. If anything comes up we will be notified. I’m home, not going anywhere anyway.
Pat, good to hear from you. Always wonder how you are doing. Martha, was glad to see your post cause you hadn’t been on for a bit. Forgot you were damping. Wonder if Bill and Carol got home?
Thinking of all of you. Stay safe.