Worked all day. Stopped at a stand close to work to pick up some more fresh picked strawberries. They are huge! And very sweet! Usually the big ones aren't that sweet but these are good. I have the makings at home for strawberry shortcake so will be snacking on that all weekend.
Also stopped at Lowes to check out their stock of hibiscus plants. Everywhere I look, all they have is red ones. Even at Lowes, it was almost all red ones. There were two yellow and one orange plant but those were large and expensive, so I got two small red ones for now. Will make sure I don't kill them before I spend money on larger plants.
Here are a couple pics of the gourds I mentioned yesterday. Would you pay $39/each for these?
I have to work all day again tomorrow but have Sunday and Monday off. Monday we are supposed to have a storm system come in with three days of heavy rains coming here. We need it, so will see if that actually happens. I guess that means I need to get my trim painted on Sunday.
I asked for the afternoon off on Wednesday but now I can't remember why. Must be something going on here that I want to go to but I lost the calendar of activities, so will have to go pick up another one at the clubhouse. I also requested Thursday off and I do know that the hiking club here is going up to Idyllwild that day for a walk in the woods. Will have to see what happens with this storm tho. They may end up with a ton of snow up there and I don't have snowshoes!
Tomorrow night we turn our clocks ahead. I will be so happy to have the extra daylight each night! It is barely 6pm right now and almost pitch black out already here.
Have a good evening!