andyviv wrote:So far this is an informational and great group to be part of and have already shared a lot of me and received a lot of great info, but recently been told I have shared too much in an unsecured website—open to all the world to see. I am not computer savvy so didn’t immediately recognize that joining a group like this exposes me, perhaps others aren’t aware of this either!
Um. . . anyone who has been on the internet for more than about ten minutes surely recognizes that the internet - at large - ain't a safe place to be. Most of us here have been on this Forum for a good many years (check below my photo to the upper right to see the date I joined this forum). I myself have had an internet connection of one sort or another for at least twenty-five years.
(Hey ladies! Remember dial-up? Remember AOL's $$cost-per-minute$$ for internet access? I do.]
Er. . . who told you that you have shared too much? I don't mean this flippantly - but what, specifically, concerns you? How, specifically, do you feel you have been "exposed"? Without going back and looking over all of your posts (I am way too lazy to do that) I don't recall much of anything that would personally identify you. You asked some RV questions. Shared an opinion or two. Yes, so do we all.
No dog stories yet, though!! We
demand dog stories!!!
Why are you concerned? If you change your mind about what you have posted here (I often do, because I have a big mouth - er, make that big typing fingers) your posts can be edited or deleted. Don't like a post you have written, and the "x" is no longer available (meaning someone has read your post, so you can't instantly delete it in it's entirety). Just
edit the post - maybe even change your entire ten-page-typed-double-space super-rant (I do this sometimes
) to just read something innocuous like "Hi there!"
In simple point of fact, anytime you access the internet, someone, somewhere, some
thing is "watching". Every trip you take around the web, someone, or something, is setting "internet cookies" (or something worse) on your computer without your knowledge or (likely) your consent. Don't know what an internet cookie is? Google it.
Do you buy online? I buy online all the time. My entire Christmas list was purchased on Amazon this year. Do I think that Amazon is safe? Well. . . yes and no. There is Amazon, then there are Amazon independent sellers. Independent sellers on Amazon fulfill your order and send it to you - they don't have your credit card number, but they have your name, they have your address, they might have your telephone number - in other words, they know your name, where you live, what you bought - and what the item cost. (Beth, if I have got this part wrong, be sure to set me straight).
They know this about you and maybe ten million other people.
You say you are "not internet savvy". Um. . . how 'not internet savvy' are you? These are dangerous times, indeed - again, I am not being flippant, I am being serious. If you might like to lose a little sleep tonight, maybe stay awake all night, Google this term: "What are the dangers of using the internet?"
Do you have current, up-to-date virus and malware protection on your computer, so that when you accidentally hit a link to the wrong website (trust me on this - it
will happen, sooner or later) your computer is not instantly infected with the latest worm or Trojan or identity theft - or worse? Ask me how I know this can happen. . . um, on second thought, don't.
I'm not talking about the "freeware" that is out there - which is often worth just about what you paid for it - but software that costs a bit of real money - maybe $50.00 - $100.00
per year.Anyway. Enough blab from me. It is up to you - or anyone - to decide if the benefits of the internet are worth it's risks.
Make sure all your insurance is in order, and decide which way you want to steer the car before you take off the parking brake.
Welcome to the Forum. I hope you stick around.
Please post a dog story soon, a dog story with a photo would be even better. It would definitely make my day.