had planned on doing so much today go to the craft fair didn't... shower did felt wonderful wash sheets didn't just one load of whites... go to Herb's didn't go get chicken tenders talked myself out of it... grocery store ice and something for tomorrow had to so did... and work on the living room didn't.... I have had a minor cough and it was bothering me more today plus it's wet and rainy and cloudy so batteries didn't charge up as well buddy has been on a lot longer than normal and wished I'd turned him on earlier
just didn't feel like doing anything more than the absolute musts took a sorta nap was cold so couldn't get comfy
turned the generator on earlier than usual as well during a break in the rain... there was suppose to be a light parade don't know if it happened or not... if you are flirting with a cold have no business encouraging it.. so didn't even try besides it was raining... did call the rv mobile guy he is still in Denver pretty bad when he knows my voice...
hopefully soon trying to rethink my Christmas decorations so the table and by the fridge are free not sure what to do although the stand that I put by the fridge wouldn't have that much on it that I couldn't move it fairly easily... the Christmas village hmmm perhaps on the dresser this year but then I have all the stuff on the dresser that would have to have a new place for the season but is a thought thank you
I did crochet while at the laundromat had to laugh this one lady was sitting on a bench waiting for her clothes to finish washing she told me that lady has 7 dyers!!!! then when one of them stopped she pointed it out to the lady really quick but it wasn't dry... then she had to go get more quarters and the lady asked where did she go I said to get some money ump like she should have realized that she would need more money and already had it... I was waiting for the cat fight to start....
it didn't but boy some people just get all stressed out... had to laugh the audacity of having 7 dryers!!!
screen went black the computer turned off and wouldn't go back on yikes then realized I'd not plugged it in... ugh hate that so the battery is really low...
but at least I didn't loose all that I rambled on about..