I have already been to Lafayette and back again. We are getting the fringes of the storm in Texas. Just enough rain to make things messy again.
CC pulled the bathroom curtains down and pulled one of the brackets out of the wall.
They were past needing to be washed but I didn't want to have to fix them. It is so humid that there is condensation on my storm doors and it looks like there are mold spots growing. I just cleaned the doors about a week ago. I guess I need to try something with bleach in it to kill the mold.
My sister and I saw some adult bibs in Walmart one time and we were laughing about them. We should have each bought one. The Louisiana camping group has a big Christmas campout and party each year. Every year there is an item chosen for the gift for everyone to bring. One year it was soup bowls, one year it was socks, last year it was calendars and this year it is aprons. I have already found one with flamingos on it. I just hope I can find it again for Christmas.
The restaurant I went to Tuesday had beef rib soup on the menu so I looked up a recipe on line. I have a big pot of soup cooking. I am missing one of the seasonings so don't know if it will be like the restaurant. I will have to try their's sometime.