Still barely A.M. as start this, so Mornin' ladies~~~
Started reorganizing stuff the stuff thats stored in the truck bed, now that I picked stuff up that was kept at a friend's while the truck was in the shop. Next thing on the to do list is make a cover to put over the sun roof if hail storms are coming since the back ordered sun roof delayed the truck repair by roughly 2 weeks. And yes, I'll only put it on if parked.
Hobby Lobby had a sale on 2" foam and will attach it to a tarp (for now), so I can just roll it out quickly if needed. Also looking for a vinyl windshield cover too but seems hard to find one in the right size.
Nice weather here this week with some rain later. Heat and humidity is coming back this weekend. Ugh!
Have routes planned for when I leave on the 5th. Over to the Mississippi for 2 weeks, meeting friends by Galena for a bit, then up thru Wisconsin and down thru Michigan's mitten to Ohio for a visit to Cuyahoga NP.
Also looking at Quarter Horse Congress schedule to get a horsey fix for a few days. The show runs all month with lots to see. Been years since ive been to Congress.
That's if from me. Now officially afternoon. Have a good day everyone.