Good Morning from the 45th. Not sure if I’m awake or not, but guess I must be if I’m typing this Piper knows I usually get up around 6 a.m. this time of year, so feels it’s her duty to make sure I do, whether or not I want to. Or maybe it’s just cause she wants the bed And Molly likes to go out during the night and sleep on the deck for awhile so no such thing as a straight night’s sleep some nights. Then once I’m up, they snuggle down and go back to sleep Ah, life with fur kids.
Spending some time researching beds and mattress toppers for my trailer. I have a pretty good mattress in there, but it’s a heated mattress with the coils on top and uncomfortable to sleep on with them under me. Came with the trailer. Got a 4 inch thick foam mattress on top, but adds a lot of weight to mattress for getting into the underbed storage and is beginning to soften a little. It’s interesting reading different sites about others have.
Decided to go visit friends today. Will resume work on project tomorrow. Didn’t work out there yesterday as was a damp and bit chilly day. Warming into 50’s this weekend into Tuesday. Then downhill and looking at a big winter storm by week’s end Judy, hope you have some success on your shower handles.
Anyway, coffe is ready, so come in and get some. And have a nice day too