Good morning,,,,I know its afternoon but it still feels like morning. I think because of the rain. Glad I got the back yard secured for the dogs yesterday cause today its all muddy out there, except for the rock areas. Today I'm unpacking the kitchen stuff and putting my kitchen back together. Fast food is convenient but really not healthy and way expensive over time.
I have a shed on order from Amazon but no delivery date yet, although they took my money already !
Can't wait to get it though and then I can start planting stuff in the backyard. There is nothing growing back there now, so a few shrubs will be nice and of course some vegetables .
I've got my sewing corner set back up, I haven't done any quilts in 6 years, but I need to do some curtains in here.
Nothing else is new, just enjoying a new sense of getting things accomplished. A new deck is on my list too.
Y'all have a great day, enjoy your super bowl. I don't care who wins, just want my numbers in the pool to be winners. I bought two squares.