I took a look at the creek this morning and I could tell it was a lot higher yesterday than I had thought. It came right up to my retaining wall. Another 5-6 feet higher and it would be up to my house. I decided I would call my insurance guy about getting flood insurance. But before I could do that, I got a letter in the mail from the insurance company saying my policy has been cancelled! I called him right away and it seems I missed a payment back in July and didn't realize it so in November they cancelled it. So I am not insured right now for anything.
He is working on getting it reinstated and getting me caught up with the missing payment. I must be getting old...I marked that on my bills spreadsheet as being paid but nothing was showing for a payment made in my checking account. My bad!
I am not happy with my roommate right now. When I walked around the yard this morning, I went by the raised veggie garden in back which is made up of cement blocks with a top row of small red bricks. Apparently she needed to spray paint something before she went on her trip and just painted the thing on the bricks without putting anything under it to cover the bricks, so the bricks are now orange! It looks like hell.
I confronted her about it and she said she was sorry and that she was in a hurry. No excuse in my mind! Who does that?? Even kids know enough to at least put some paper or something down before painting things. She said she will replace the bricks. Grrrr!!
I discovered the other day that one of my stove burners isn't working and now we can't get the oven to work. Always something!
Was very busy at work today! My feet hurt since I had no time to sit for 5 hours of straight cutting. Will be busy now until Christmas.
Hoping tomorrow is a better day...