Just arrived in Eugene after driving in from Haystack Campground, north of Bend, OR. I was trying to save money and get more used to dry camping so I signed up for three nights here----really bad idea! Why? It was rainy and really cold the whole time, and then on the last day, Saturday, my generator quit on me about midday. Had to completely rethink how to fix dinner using an actual stove.
I imagine most of you were alive in the olden days before microwaves, but they certainly do make our lives easy, especially when it comes to heating up meals. I cook a lot ahead and at any one time have several little one-meal packages for dinner. Had to open a can of soup and heat it in an actual pan, instead of in a cup in the microwave.
Plus, it dropped down to 39 on Friday night and 35 on Saturday night, so even with my down comforter on my bed, my furnaces were running like crazy, and I was constantly recharging my laptop and modems using my 12 volt outlets, which meant switching them around constantly. And had to go cold turkey on TV. Talk about roughing it! But at least I was fairly warm with my sweater on. There was a family with two kids across from me sleeping in a tent, and the father admitted it was the coldest they had ever camped. They had driven down from Vancouver, BC, to go rock climbing at a place they have gone to before, but you cannot do rock climbing in the rain, at least not with two kids under 11. They were still there this morning when I pulled out early.
Peggy, I am really envious of you. What a dream trip!