Lyn, you couldn't be boring everyone with your ankle more than I do with my rain. It was sunny and 93 this morning. Now it's overcast and thundering. The ants are trying to move in again.
I remembered Rabbits at 12:15 last night but don't remember if I said anything to the cats before that. I woke up at 4:00 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. I finally went to sleep around 8:00 for about an hour. That is so aggravating. I am trying not to nap so I can sleep tonight.
The electrician came and fixed the electric problems on the carport. Glad he got that done so I can keep the batteries charged and use the air compressor if I need it. I probably need to plug in the golf cart.
My brother and a friend have birthdays in October so need to put cards on my shopping list. I have a card I would like to send to my brother but haven't gotten up enough nerve yet. It says there are two kinds of people in the world, cat people and idiots. They use to have cats but never got another after the last one passed on. After all the things I have to do for the cats I might be the idiot.
Barbie, your dress and earrings are beautiful.