Oh, I'm sitting here laughing out loud. Yep, Echo, I know exactly who is the Queen in that house, remember I met you, Kelly and the queen -oops, I mean Shade
As to what little dogs get away with, Peaches gets away with more than I ever would have allowed from Tips. Size is most likely the reason. But she is learning somethings. When I got her she would go the opposite direction when called - I'm guessing calling her before meant getting punished. Now she comes when I call - almost all the time. I don't know that she won't run if off leash and not come, so we're not going to try that. But she does know sit and stay (although she has a problem with stay) and she knows to lie down (even if she thinks it should mean rolling onto her back and getting a belly rub) - I mean, just how do you say no to that? lol