Bethers wrote:Oh my gosh! I just watched a show called "We'll Meet Again" on PBS. What a wonderful program... tears are flowing. The history and reunions of the people followed on this episode were gut wrenching and unbelievable.
I'll look for other episodes!
Tuesday's episode on PBS is about people rescued from the Mt. St. Helen's eruption, and those who risked their lives -
while the eruption was still ongoing - to rescue them.
You can probably also watch it on your computer (maybe past episodes too, if you missed them) if you don't have a tv, or good tv reception: sounds like there will be at least some mention of one of my all-time personal heroes, USGS (United States Geological Survey) volcanologist Dr. David Johnston. At least his image appears in the "preview" clip of Tuesday's show (link above - he is the young, handsome, bearded blond man whose face appears briefly onscreen).
Although not himself a rescuer (nor, unfortunately, among the rescued), hopefully there will be at least a brief bio of him presented on the show. His continued, and persistent, warnings about the dangers that the volcano posed (which were generally discounted by his superiors - he was considered the "new kid on the block") are generally acknowleged to have saved many hundreds of lives.
One of the women in the clip is heard saying, ". . . he
knew how explosive this mountain was. I would just like to thank him." I assume she was speaking of Dr. Johnston.
Really excited to watch it.
Acadianmom wrote:I missed this show but have been watching Victoria on PBS. If you get a chance watch that. The costumes are beautiful. Martha
As for "Victoria". . . hrm. Well, as a "member" of my local PBS station, I was able to binge-watch the entire second season, via my Roku box, on two consecutive nights. Really enjoyed it, although my butt was pretty numb by the end.