I hate asking this question but Catherine what time do you need to leave on Sunday?
if you come in on Sunday Beth what time would be your ETA?
Reason I am asking is we could change the pot luck to Sunday IE the Navajo Taco's
if you want them I am good anyway... if that works for Beth and Catherine. but we do need to decide as we need to let Louise and Jenny know as well as Evie if she is here...
as to the direction's although there are signs out it is always easier via a guide
but will give them as best I can...go to La Posa North...stay on the paved road it will peter out at a wash go through the wash on the right side of that road and next to the wash is a area with tents 5th wheel sign with karaoke and pot luck on Thurs. turn to your right on the drivers side is a sign close to ground teddy bear and cardinal name of Boyd on it follow the road yes there is a road that goes through a very small wash ditch or dip what have you again on the drivers side on the ground is another bear/cardinal with arrow and a yellow sign "road to no where" also a speed limit sign 15 mph keep on the road it will merge with another road you will turn right at the larger teddy bear/ cardinal Boyd and Road to No Where sign...you have arrived note if you went past the dumpsters you went to far...
ok as to food Navajo Taco's usually consist of scones or fry bread whichever you use..with chili on top of that the condiments that you would use on a taco...lettuce...cheese ...onions sauce like taco or whatever onions...avocado's ect...they tend to be very filling so not much more is needed but always eaten if there...I typically furnish the chili and scones and onions as it is in the chili as well
so there you have it...now my feelings won't be hurt if you just want something different I might wail cry hit my head but the feelers won't be hurt
so let me know so I will get my stuff and we do need to zero in on the day