have to get warm so brought up the campfire hope it will work
silly me just didn't get her act together and call the propane place and tell
them the fireplace still wouldn't stay lite...but in my defense it was 90 in the daytime and although it would
get cool enough to have heat in the late night time it wasn't needed enough to remind me to call...till it turned
cold like close the door and windows layer on what ever one has socks on the feet and cover the plants cold...so I call she says she will call the service guy this was on Friday...and he would call me sure he did
Monday I call her back and she gives me his phone number and I call well I can come right away well no you can't I am in Jackson till after you get off work...so we set a time on Tuesday by this time I feel that a cold is coming on.. don't they say you can't get a cold from the cold??
I beg to differ... so he comes at 8 am I out of bed nope it was to cold to get out of bed...anyway he looks at it relights it with something that I can't use to light it and tells me call if it goes out which I did when I woke up again it was out so he comes back out relights it and we open the window further....it's cold enough I've even closed the bedroom windows and they rarely get closed... he tells me he has called another service guy who thinks it's the oxygen sencinator and also the striker so he will wait to order if leaving the window open further helps then he will just order the striker. not to long later it is out...parts on order and I am fighting a cold and the cold...need to make a quick trip to SD to get drivers license but they are requesting something they haven't in the past so hoping it gets here soon as I was hoping to leave on Friday...guess we will see ....so that is my whine for the night and it's raining.... any luck at all it will put the fire out hope not...still looking for the location of the water pump if it would warm up and I felt better would go out and dig around in the basement