what is with this photo bucket stuff -

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what is with this photo bucket stuff -

Postby asirimarco » Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:01 am

I don't even remember what the pictures were! and now need to figure out how to remove the blank photo thing. Argg.
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Re: what is with this photo bucket stuff -

Postby Cudedog » Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:18 am

Looks like they want to monetize.

I don't do Photobucket, but a request to "upgrade" in instances like these are generally just a euphemism for "pay up".

Looks like several forum sisters have this image on their posts this morning.


On Edit: I just checked the Photobucket site, and for hosting photos that can be linked to, they now want a fast $10/mo.

I suggest this alternative:

Set up a folder on a hosting server for a lot less money. I have used Go Daddy

for at least the last 15 years, and have been extremely happy with their service (I sometimes do web design on the side).

I just checked at GoDaddy, and they are offering what most of you need for a fast $3.49/mo. for 100 gigs of storage.


This would be for your own domain, and your own website - but you wouldn't need to do all of this. All you would need to do is set up a folder on your purchased webspace, and upload your photos to that folder, then create a link to that folder. That's how I post my photos on WomenRV.

Call them, if interested: 480-505-8877. Their tech support is US-based, with ENGLISH, and has always been awesome. Might be a few dollars to set up at the outset, but then the $3.49/mo. should apply.

I don't have anything to gain by this recommendation, just passing the info along. Probably there might be other free (like Photobucket used to be) photo hosting sites out there, but in time they will all likely wish to monetize as well.

Hope Photobucket is not blocking access to your photos until you upgrade.

Any questions, just ask. 8-)

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Re: what is with this photo bucket stuff -

Postby Cudedog » Tue Jul 18, 2017 10:14 am

Oh well. Sorry.

Forget GoDaddy. Looks like more than what most of you will actually need.

Here is the chat transcript:

Hi. Aside from selling website space, do you offer any options for photo hosting?

We offer hosting which you can use a 3rd party app to build a site to display your photos

What would be the cost?

Hosting plans start at $95.88 per year and go up to $215.88. I can save you 50% off 3 or more years and get you a free domain and email with the plans

What's the story on the $3.49/mo posted on your website.

Yeah so that is the economy plan which is normally $95.88 per year. 3 years is only $125.64. saving you $216.00

The reason I ask is because Photobucket has just eliminated their free photo hosting service. They now want $10/mo. I thought going with GoDaddy might be a better deal.

So, I take it that all fees are due up front?

Yes they are. Do you have a account with us yet/

I have had an account with GoDaddy for probably 15 years. Just checking the idea for someone else.

A bunch of people I know have just had their photos frozen by Photobucket. They are looking for an alternative. Don't need a website, just want photo hosting. Probably the up-front cost would be prohibitive, although they could do monthly.

Well if you like we can create a new account and I can hop in and get you set up.

Oh well. Just a thought. I have always been very happy with GoDaddy. Photo hosting - only - might be something that GoDaddy might wish to consider.

I don't need a new account.
What would be the total cost to set up the $3.49/mo account?

only $125.64. saving you $216.00

What does this include?

$125.64 is considerably more than $3.49/mo.

1 website
100 GB storage
Unmetered bandwidth
Free Microsoft Office 365 Business Email – 1st year
Free domain* with annual plan
Site backup & restore (paid option)

The plan is normally $7.99 per month but 55% off when you 3 or more years

Does it include domain registration?

Yes it would include a free domain for 3 years as well

So does one need to pay up front for the full three years?


So that is the $125?

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Re: what is with this photo bucket stuff -

Postby asirimarco » Tue Jul 18, 2017 12:30 pm

I decided to try using the RV.Net:Photo Posting http://photoposting.is-great.net/ and that worked. Also need to find an avatar.
well it worked in the signature but won't work for an avatar. Says the url is invalid...stumped.
well I figured out the URL - need to use the top box to upload BUT photobucket changes the size of the photo so the avatar won't accept it. Photobucket changes it to 240 x 240 no matter how small it is when I up load it. Avatar will only accept 90 x 90
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Re: what is with this photo bucket stuff -

Postby grammynmaggie » Tue Jul 18, 2017 5:49 pm

I'm not going to do anything but delete my Photobucket account I don't need pictures from there or anywhere if I need to do something I'll just transfer them from my blog
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Re: what is with this photo bucket stuff -

Postby JudyJB » Tue Jul 18, 2017 7:21 pm

I only use Photobucket for this site. All my photos are store on my laptop and then backed up on to portable hard drives, one of which gets stored in my son's gun safe. I switch them out periodically. A portable hard drive costs about

I have always worried about one of these "cloud" sites either freezing your photos and asking ransom for them or just losing them when they go out of business! A portable hard drive costs about $60. https://www.staples.com/Seagate-Backup- ... duct_43447
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Re: what is with this photo bucket stuff -

Postby Bethers » Tue Jul 18, 2017 7:54 pm

Currently I only use the rv.net ones... Faster and easier from my phone. I'll have to change my images too.

I think it really stinks that they changed their terms of use and made it retroactive, too. So many photos posted over the years... Gone.
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Re: what is with this photo bucket stuff -

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:09 pm

Doesn't Amazon Prime have a place to store photos?
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Re: what is with this photo bucket stuff -

Postby Cudedog » Wed Jul 19, 2017 10:12 am

JudyJB wrote: I have always worried about one of these "cloud" sites either freezing your photos and asking ransom for them or just losing them when they go out of business! A portable hard drive costs about $60.

Judy: I agree about the "cloud". For all of your stated reasons. And quite a few more into the bargain, which would require a post all of it's own.

I'm glad that the portable hard drive is working for you. Unfortunately, my experience with a portable hard drive was less than stellar. Some years ago I was having major computer problems (suspected intractable virus) that, after trying a myriad of different solutions (none of which worked) I finally decided to just wipe my hard drive.

Previous to doing this, I went to Fry's and bought their top-of-the-line portable hard drive. I tested the drive, to be sure it was working properly, then I downloaded all of my photos and other important stuff to this drive. Tested it again to be sure everything was there, on the portable, as it should be. Check.

I then wiped the hard drive on my computer, then re-installed the operating system and all of my programs. For those of you who have never done this - I have had to do it a couple of times over the years (and it is a MAJOR pain) - this actually took a full day to complete - 7 or 8 hours, as I remember.

I then hooked the portable back up to my computer. All good! The next day I went to transfer some of my photos back to my computer.

The portable hard drive failed. I tried everything to get it going, made numerous telephone calls. Nada. I even called the manufacturer. The response? "Too bad, so sad". Hundreds of my photos, gone.

I now back up to DVD-Rom. Takes a lot longer, but have yet to have a problem with a DVD-Rom. Although, of course, that is possible too.

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Re: what is with this photo bucket stuff -

Postby Cudedog » Wed Jul 19, 2017 10:35 am

Check this out:

"Photobucket accused of blackmail after quietly requiring users to pay $400 a year to hotlink"

And (my favorite):

"Users are accusing Photobucket of extortion"


Class action, maybe?

$399/year? Really?? Suddenly GoDaddy doesn't sound so bad. For the $125/year a person can host photos, create email addresses, build a website, have their own domain, sell stuff online - lotta things.

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Re: what is with this photo bucket stuff -

Postby JudyJB » Wed Jul 19, 2017 12:24 pm

Anne, actually, because I am more than a little nutty about this, I have multiple portable hard drives. One is in my motorhome, one in the safety deposit box, and one in my son's gun safe, plus I keep a backup computer backed up with all my photos and files. I also have started saving the photo memory cards from my camera. I figure one of these has got to work if my laptop dies.

The only problem with my method is that I have so many things to keep backed up! Which reminds me that I need to backup the hard drive I carry with me and transfer any new files to my backup laptop. That will be my task for today, other than some dusting and vacuuming.

And this is definitely extortion on the part of Photobucket!!!! :shock: They should be sued, big time.
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Re: what is with this photo bucket stuff -

Postby SoCalGalcas » Wed Jul 19, 2017 12:42 pm

Now I have lost my cute cat and have this ugly picture. I've written to photo bucket to cancel my account immediately! lyn

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Re: what is with this photo bucket stuff -

Postby mitch5252 » Wed Jul 19, 2017 1:46 pm

Photobucket had been so frustrating that I started using my Facebook account to upload pictures.
I just set the "audience" to ONLY ME.
Then click on the pic (after it's uploaded) and then right click and get the address.
Works just ducky.
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Re: what is with this photo bucket stuff -

Postby Irmi » Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:20 pm

I am computer stupid. I have a Facebook account. I need 1,2,3,a,b,c.

I went to Facebook and didn't see anything about pictures. I appreciate any help. :oops:
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Re: what is with this photo bucket stuff -

Postby grammynmaggie » Thu Jul 20, 2017 5:13 am

Me too Irmi.... would like abc123 how to do that Facebook thing
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