Propane alarm going off

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Propane alarm going off

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:41 am

This morning I discovered my propane alarm going off. The propane is completely shut off and has been for several weeks. I have windows open and door and is still going off. It beeps for awhile and then a long continuous alarm and then back to beeping.

Would it have something to do with the battery being dead?

Does it need to be replaced?
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Re: Propane alarm going off

Postby avalen » Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:38 am

Are you sure its propane alarm, my fifthwheel has one marked LP
alarm. It stands for low power, it used to go off when my batteries
were down and failing.
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Re: Propane alarm going off

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Jun 21, 2017 12:14 pm

Yes, it is down by the floor next to the door.
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Re: Propane alarm going off

Postby IrishIroamed » Wed Jun 21, 2017 12:38 pm

It could be the low battery. Easiest way to find out is charge the battery. I had the same problem on my first TT. Dealer replaced it anyway. I'd still have someone check it out.
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Re: Propane alarm going off

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Jun 21, 2017 1:21 pm

A low battery will make the alarm go off. Did anyone ever answer your question about the two batteries being connected? Yes, the two batteries can be connected together and it will give you more 12 volt power. There are pictures online on how to wire the batteries. It is best to start with two new batteries if one is low or doesn't hold a charge very long. Don't put a new battery with a used battery. You also have to add distilled water to some batteries. They will boil dry after a while. I like to buy the maintenance free batteries but they are more expensive. You need deep cycle batteries and not the starting kind that are used in engines.

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Re: Propane alarm going off

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Jun 21, 2017 1:49 pm

I have a friend coming over tomorrow to charge the batteries and see if that makes a difference. Not sure how old these batteries are. Would like to get them both working and hooked up together.

If I do need to replace them, would it be better to get the golf cart batteries instead? Can I get more than two of those since they are smaller?
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Re: Propane alarm going off

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Jun 21, 2017 8:41 pm

I have never used golf cart batteries. I think they are even more expensive than the maintenance free batteries.

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Re: Propane alarm going off

Postby Cougarfan » Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:50 pm

The LP (liquid petroleum=propane) detector will alert if your batteries are low. When I go to check on the trailer, there are several rv's in the storage lot that have LP alarms alerting because their batteries are low.

I had issues with my batteries going dead until I had a battery cutoff switch installed on my trailer. I replaced two batteries that were beyond help only to have them stolen about a month later. Before I replaced them, I bought this: I didn't get the one with the solar panel because I figured it would just get stolen. After the box was installed, I bought new batteries. Since I'm just a weekend camper, I couldn't justify paying the high price for the AGM batteries. I just bought 2, group 24 deep cycle rv batteries. Still cost me $100 for both of them. Our local tire store (Les Schwab) honored the price I had paid for the set that was stolen since the price had gone up by about $25/ea since I bought the other ones. I also had a police report so they knew I wasn't just trying to get a "deal."

If you plan on doing a lot of dry camping, it might be worth buying the 6 volt AGM's. Just get something to secure them to your trailer. If you decide to stay where there are always hookups (you know, glamping), then the group 24's will probably be fine.

I went camping last week for the first time since about October. With the locking battery box, the batteries were still there. With the battery cutoff switch, they had a full charge. I just turned the cutoff switch to "on" and proceeded to use the power jack without having to have the truck connected. It was great! I was really impressed.

So, I recommend securing your batteries somehow and I recommend having a battery cutoff switch installed.

Here is a link on how to wire the batteries together: This is only for 12 volt batteries. 6 volt batteries are connected differently.

Anyway, once you get on the road and hooked up to the Jeep, your batteries should stay charged. If they start smoking, replace them with new ones (don't ask me how I know THAT :o )

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Re: Propane alarm going off

Postby snowball » Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:08 pm

Barbie I use 4 batteries for my rig...I don't know how it works but do use the bigger batteries like when I replaced them
all four came to over 600 but they hold a charge longer...if you dry camp lots it would be a good thing to do
when we had a smaller trailer there was a sensor that would go off from smelly stuff like wet wipes ect...
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Re: Propane alarm going off

Postby MelissaD » Thu Jun 22, 2017 9:53 am

Most RV propane detectors should be considered for replacement every five to seven years.

They beep as they die

The parasitic loads on most RV's these days will drain a battery in a couple of days. A battery disconnect switch is required or you will come back to a dead battery every time. Even a factory installed disconnected is useless since they often leave the LP detector and other "life safety equipment" powered up which will still drain your battery.
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Re: Propane alarm going off

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Jun 22, 2017 11:05 am

Thanks for all your suggestions! I will definitely look into the disconnect switch. Will probably also replace the batteries soon. Is there a way to tell how old they are?
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Re: Propane alarm going off

Postby MandysMom » Thu Jun 22, 2017 11:12 am

Batteries we have purchased have always had a date tag attached to top but if yours are old it could have come off. It's usually a sturdy tag with punch outs over date code. Maybe top or side? you could haul the battery to a auto store and have tested, we have several who do that and can give you likely longevity information.
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Re: Propane alarm going off

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Jun 22, 2017 2:09 pm

I just checked and the battery that is disconnected is from June of 2010, so probably needs to be replaced. The other one isn't marked for a date but looks a lot newer and I think the previous owner said it they bought it fairly recently. I can check with them again on that. So for sure, I need one new one but wondering if they need to be replaced at the same time or if a new and not so new one can be used together?
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Propane alarm going off

Postby Redetotry » Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:23 pm

BarbaraRose wrote:I just checked and the battery that is disconnected is from June of 2010, so probably needs to be replaced. The other one isn't marked for a date but looks a lot newer and I think the previous owner said it they bought it fairly recently. I can check with them again on that. So for sure, I need one new one but wondering if they need to be replaced at the same time or if a new and not so new one can be used together?

Here you can go to a place like O'Rilleys, NAPA or AuptZone and they will check your batteries. You don't need to take them out. I personally would get the sealed ones so you don't have to check them and add water. Also, seems like I was told when I had battery issues in Elsie, if you have an old and a new one the old one will drag the newer one down. But not sure if that is true but worth checking out. Also be sure if you have an inverter they hook them up correctly. Once they are correct take a picture of the way it is connected for future reference. Aren't you glad you are figuring all this out before you are on the road!?!
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Re: Propane alarm going off

Postby monik7 » Thu Jun 22, 2017 4:15 pm

I've always read you should not mix new with old batteries. If I were you I'd replace both.
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