Good Morning. Last week of April already. Spring is moving right along, like all the other seasons of our lives. Sunshine and 60 today, so will be out working in my trailer. Making a few mods to gain some storage space. You inow how it is, the manufactuers always put those thin paneling bulkheads in under sinks or places where pipes and wires are in cupboards, but waste extra inches of space behing them. So took one out and am making new one, bit farther back in a small cupboard under my wardrobe. Will gain at least 7-8 more inches of space in there. Also need a shelf in one cupboard as well. Want to get those done, so I can get organized before I leave in a few weeks. I have pics in the camera, will get them posted this week.
Barbie, was reading about your basement home for now. Too bad you couldn't live in your new trailer.
So, Liz is on the road, Tina met the lady Karen got her pup from, how cool is that. CArol is home in NC, Beth and gang gettng ready to open store, BJ getting inquiries and looks at Elsie. All seems to be well un the forum world.
Time to get moving along here. Waiting for repair guy to come over and look at some rotting wood on edges of my porch beam. Y'all have a nice day.