Yikes! Here it is again..Monday, Morning

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Yikes! Here it is again..Monday, Morning

Postby Barbzeee » Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:16 am


Yikes! Here it is again, Monday and it's Moring too ! Now, I mean to tell you...a repeater we is..but aaaaaaah once we get on a roll we is good ! My family went back to the City (is there any other City but New York ) and now my house is empty..I mean it's quiet...it's peaceful and it's MINE....for the week that is......but aaaaah I have my Quiet Time..and how precious that really is....Ifn' ya noticed I did some Art work..yeah I decide to give us a Big Smile this morning ..cause I know we need that Pick Up and Go for Monday...Sure hope you like her... she fits right in..but do take a close peek ..I mean real close....:) ...ok now let me see...what's happening in our Forum... You gals are buzzzzzzzzzing all the time...but that's a good thing...least you be talkin to yourself and no one answering...mmmm that's something I can relate too...:) okie dokie...mmmmmmm

Cedar is back from her camping trip...ooooooooooh man...can't wait to hear her story and see those camping shots.. and you know we miss her..cause boy she has always some good advice......:)

Liz had a birthday yesterday...and says it almost got by her...mmmm no cake Liz ???????

Vanity is still going strong there.. Getup N'go ( Janice) I know you are really lovin this column and you can tell.. I mean girl still now Candid Camera shots.. DpF...she's done now gone color..LOL oh and hey.....next thing ya know we will be all coming out of the closet LOL Look out Mirror...can ya handle us all at one time !!

Book club...mmmm good one.. I always enjoyed that too..only time I get chance to do some reading is when I'm away for the winter months...but that's gonna be a great colunm...Mtngal (Diana ) good one...and you know the Good Earth is and was my favorite book even ordered the DVD... and got to meet Pearl Buck...she lived outside of Doylestown, Pa...that was an event for me... check on Amazon.com for the DVD... it's great movie....

Asirimarco ( Ann)... Oleo...oh yeah I remember that ...it was awful.. LOL the orange/yellow capsule and you had to mash it into that White stuff ..LOL we all use to watch and complain...and certainly do remember the heavy cream on the top of the milk bottles... the bottles even had like a goose neck to them that the cream was in there and we'd scoop it out..save it for the coffee...oh goodness...them were the days.. trolley was running and to go to the movies we'd get 25 cents that paid for the movie and also candy...loved walking into the movie ..on that carpet and it was like walking on a cloud..the big stair case you had to walk up.. and the ushers..yep you had to be walked into the movie with the ushers... ooooh the smell of the popcorn.. uh oh didn't we start out with Oleo LOL see my memory starts working and I remember those neat things...
The ice boxes..yep.. we had an Ice man deliver big chunks of ice...he's carried it on his shoulder with a big hook and he had some kind of rubber shoulder mat that it layed on... ooooooh yeah... and our ice box well didn't hold much cause we had to go to the store every day !!!! ooooooh yeah... big pan set under neat too... WE also had a window box in the winter time to keep things in...Maybe we should do a walk down memory lane..does the mind good...!!!

Poor Paulette.. she got more than she bargained for.. she got drenched..yep..she'd thought she's enjoy her shopping spree instead...she got a spray...well a down pour.. Hey.. look at it this way.. ya washed your clothes at the same time took a shower..alright..oh hey Paulette we had hail too...dang every time I see that I think uh oh.. what's coming next..

And speaking on a sad note.. the loss of Randy Pausch..I also admired his spirit.. to know that you only have a set time to live and to courageously go out and lecture...he had many reasons..One his nature of being a Researcher..wanting to get funding for a disease that has so little and is usually 95% deadly..his way to also support his family even after he is gone..How very difficult for his wife..and also his children...they are young and may not even realize but later on as they get older the legacy he's left them... Do get his book of Amazon.com... it truly is amazing to read...!! I bow my head in prayer for him and his family.. he is at peace now !!!!

Ok gals.. it's that time.. I've been having some difficulty with the internet and hoping I don't have to re write this again..and staying connected to upload..oh boy.. but I do know one thing I don't have to worry about... that's my coffee gals..I know you are all here..ya may not say "Hello" but I feel your presence... The places are set and I'm just thrilled to know you enjoy reading my Morning Greetings...

Echo I know you are ready for a refill !!!

May your Adventures be Great ones and your Journey be Safe

PS CarolinaGal it's time for you too check in..let us know where ya are.....

God Bless

Barbzeee and Crew

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Re: Yikes! Here it is again..Monday, Morning

Postby NakedPupsAndMe » Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:07 am

It is Monday! The start of a new week. Last week was busy, rewarding, reallly awful at times, and expensive. I hope this week is a little calmer. We did get to go camping for a few days which was great. Now I'm all geared up to do it again! I hope you all have a good day & a great week. :)
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Re: Yikes! Here it is again..Monday, Morning

Postby Mtntophoundz » Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:34 am

Good Morning! Where is Echo this morning? She normally beats me here! My first cup of coffee is gone and I am headed for the shower. My MIL and I are taking the kids clothes shopping today. (Maybe I should drink LOTS more coffee before I go) I also need to get some clothes for me. I have lost some weight and nothing I have fits anymore. We live an hour from the nearest mall and stores like that, so around here if you are going shopping its an all day affair! Well, I better get at it! Have a wonderful day all!!!!
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Re: Yikes! Here it is again..Monday, Morning

Postby Cedar518 » Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:40 am

For sure I'm home from camping,....but I had such a great campsite, and the campground is great,.. that i signed up for another WEEK! So I'll be ducking in and out,... will be back here at the house on Tuesday night/wed. a.m. and then will catch some wifi in town every couple of days to catch up here. It took me nearly three hours to read eveything and reply to most last night when I got home.

Oh yes, I did put up a few pics on my thread. My site is high on a bluff in the pines overlooking the lake,... mmmmmm..... love it.

So,.... thanks for the morning coffee Zeee,.... you're great to let us all into your kitchen and drinking your coffee like this! :D

Cheers to all our "sisters" here with a clink of the coffee mugs,.....

Re: Yikes! Here it is again..Monday, Morning

Postby carold » Mon Jul 28, 2008 7:23 am

Just snuck in for a quickie. :lol: We're camped at a KOA in Middleboro, MA to see the Boston/Cape Cod/island aea. Going into Boston today, so will talk later. Seems like everthing is going well for everyone. carold
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Re: Yikes! Here it is again..Monday, Morning

Postby oliveoil » Mon Jul 28, 2008 7:29 am

Good morning--- we went to our warehouse yesterday to get another load of stuff we want to keep & move-----while we were there our kids called & said they would meet us back at our home a couple of hours away from the warehouse-----so we loaded our truck at the warehouse & went back to home- & the kids soon got there & picked up a load of things they want to keep which gave me more room in the house to sort--------
If we live through all this process- I'm sure we can face ------more things with more ease!!
Hubby & I say about a million times a day------- we could not do all of this with out each other- & what a relief it will be when it is all done!! The most major decisions we have ever made & all at one time!!!! And soooooooooooo much to do!!!!!!!
My stomach is in a knot most of the time-- & lots of stress-------But God is in control!!!!!
Everyone have a great week!!!!!!!!! It is going to be another really busy one for us!!!!!!!
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Re: Yikes! Here it is again..Monday, Morning

Postby mtngal » Mon Jul 28, 2008 7:47 am

Gosh, where did last week go? On my short list this week is changing my driver's license and car registration to TX. I'm good at
putting off this kind of thing! It's HOT here and no afternoon showers in sight. At home in CA my sister tells me there is a big fire in our general area. It's west of Yosemite and making the national news. The Merced River canyon in that area is gorgeous. I hate to
think it's burning. One good thing though, after that kind of fire, the wild flowers are incredible for a couple seasons. OK time to get over to my DD's house that's on the market to water the gardens. Have a fun day!
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Re: Yikes! Here it is again..Monday, Morning

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Mon Jul 28, 2008 7:52 am

Good Morning, All......
The guys are off to mow lawns and do some landscaping today....so I have the camper all to myself for at least 3-4 hours....so I'm sitting here at Zeee's table drinking coffee still in my jammies....lol.....the sun is up and all is good with the world......We went to the kids house yesterday for lunch and to check on our little Ava.....she's doing better and Mommy & Daddy are following Drs. orders and giving her the Tyonal every 4 hours.....Amy is calling the Ped. Dr. this AM to let them know about the visit to the ER and to make an appt. for a follow-up. I'm feeling better about her cause the sparkle was back in her eyes and her "facial gymnastics" (funny faces) were up and going.....she is so animated....lol.....but you can tell she still isn't 100% .....but that was yesterday.....

It rained here yesterday, too.....but didn't last long.....Ernie washed the truck early, so you know we'd get rain....always happens....lol....
Well, guess I 'll go read what was posted during the night and early morning here...

Have a great day, everyone!!

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Re: Yikes! Here it is again..Monday, Morning

Postby khenrie » Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:49 am

Morning girls! Didn't get a chance to read everyone's posts... but wanted to say morning! nonetheless. Got to go work out now.

Sporting a fake tan today... I'll let you know how I like it by tomorrow morning... it's still doing it's magic...

Had a good ladies night out Friday night (have to tell you bout that later)

Got my daughter, Megan, signed with a talent agent this weekend and did a photo shoot with same photographer that shot me back when I was getting started in the entertainment industry! Total fluke! Tell you about that later too!

For now, off to lift some weights!

Have a fantabulous day!

Choose to be happy!

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Re: Yikes! Here it is again..Monday, Morning

Postby Fernie » Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:05 am

Gee---I sure could use a cup of coffee this morning. We haven't made any the last few days so I settled for orange juice instead. When I'm in Tn., I make hot tea a lot of a morning and love to sit out on my front porch and watch the sun come up and all the people going to work!! Don't know what I'm going to do today----maybe put up curtain rods and do some stuff here in the house-----like laundry!! ICK but you gotta have those clean undies!! :lol: Hope ya'll have a good day!!!
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Re: Yikes! Here it is again..Monday, Morning

Postby Bethers » Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:25 am

On a very short break - so just want to say - no one is very observant this morning hehehe - and it has something to do with this column.

Back later.
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Re: Yikes! Here it is again..Monday, Morning

Postby Paulette » Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:26 am

Morning everyone! Barb, how cute that you put the RV logo on the little laptop in the pic this morning! You are so talented lady!

This morning was an adventure too as I had to hook up the towed and take the MH in to get the dometic recall thing on the fridge done and also having them flush the transmission and put new filters in. I have almost 2200 miles on the rig and since i'm leaving on Sunday for a llllooooonnnngggg road trip, thought I'd better get that done. Of course, by the time I got there and unhooked the towed and pulled out, I was really questioning my sanity! I mean, sometimes I feel like I just have no sense doing this by myself with such a big rig and the towed and it's just me...sometimes is it frustrating, to say the least. But, I'm learning and hopefully by the time I get back from NC and FLA, I'll be much more comfortable with the whole thing! So, how do you ladies do it? The ones of you that have a class A (or C) and tow your vehicle behind ya when you're traveling? Does it get easier?

BTW, I'm really excited cause Echo, Kelly and I are going to try to hook up for dinner one night while I'm in NC. Where she lives is not too far from where I'll be, so I have offered to buy them dinner one night. Unfortunately, we aren't able to get together on the weekend because of their work schedule and my family reunion schedule. So, dinner is the next best thing!
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Re: Yikes! Here it is again..Monday, Morning

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:56 am

Yeap....noticed the LOGO in the photo...and is that a drawing of our Beth???? lol

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Re: Yikes! Here it is again..Monday, Morning

Postby Liz » Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:50 am

Enjoyed your artwork today, Barbzee.

Chocolate cake....always chocolate.
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Re: Yikes! Here it is again..Monday, Morning

Postby Cedar518 » Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:33 pm


observant? hmmmmm.... well the gal in Zeee's illustration is reading our website on her computer! Is that it? :?:


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