Changes and going with the flow

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Changes and going with the flow

Postby Queen » Sun Feb 12, 2017 9:38 am

As I wrote here about our failed move to FL, dealing with my allergies and asthma was just overwhelming, so we came home to IL. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=15288

Ahh, the best laid plans. My asthma is horrible here in IL, especially with this warm winter, add to that my honey wants to retire soon-ish, not possible while the condo is on the market, and it's not selling because of nuisance lawsuits from a neighbor (no bank will finance with open litigation).

Sooooo, we do own a 100% paid for condo at the beach. I found a three stage air filtration unit that people with mold allergies rave about, so we'll see how that does... if it works, we may just move back to Florida to our little condo. I wouldn't enjoy the bigots, bugs, or humidity, but I do love that beach.
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Re: Changes and going with the flow

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Feb 12, 2017 10:17 am

Well, if you have to suffer from allergies anyways, better to do it by the ocean! Maybe you can keep the condo on the market while there (or wait until the idiot next door leaves or settles down) and get it sold eventually and then figure out where you want to go from there.

Nothing wrong with changing plans! That is what makes life interesting!
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Re: Changes and going with the flow

Postby Queen » Sun Feb 12, 2017 10:31 am

That's where we're at, Barbie, sitting here waiting, waiting, waiting, might as well wait at the beach and do it as retired instead of watching Mary work herself to death here. It costs us a $1000 more a month to be in IL over our basic Florida costs that we have to pay anyway.
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Re: Changes and going with the flow

Postby bluepinecones » Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:11 am

Sounds like a workable alternative. I'm suffering severely with allergy problems also. Please let us know if you actually find something that works or at least helps
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Re: Changes and going with the flow

Postby Bethers » Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:11 am

Totally understand your thinking. And the difference in living costs is major, also. Good luck.
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Re: Changes and going with the flow

Postby Pooker » Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:42 am

Funny, but I remember a highly respected lung specialist telling my father his breathing would be much easier if he could just move closer to the ocean! Other folks say go to the desert! Ya gotta do whatever works for you. It sure makes sense financially to go back to your condo. Would becoming snow birds help? North in summer when Florida's humidity (and mold) might be higher; south in winter? Whatever you decide, it isn't etched in stone and you can do what's best for both of you at any given time. Good luck!
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Re: Changes and going with the flow

Postby cnq50b » Sun Feb 12, 2017 12:14 pm

Your subject title says it all - just 'go with the flow'.
It'd be great if the air filtration system really works so you can enjoy the beach again.
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Re: Changes and going with the flow

Postby Queen » Sun Feb 12, 2017 2:20 pm

bluepinecones- will do, it never occurred to me to try a free standing filter, sure hope it works.

Beth - thanks, getting pretty tired of this game.

Evie - I used to hear the desert was a great choice, but it didn't seem to work for me... being on the ocean with a strong breeze usually does help, just don't go inland, it's mold galore!

Catherine - that's it, going with the flow. No one could have planned a move in more detail than we did, every i dotted, every t crossed... and it blew up on us. We are trying really hard now to not plan, just take the idea and do the minimum necessary to make it happen, then see if it works out.
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Re: Changes and going with the flow

Postby Acadianmom » Sun Feb 12, 2017 2:50 pm

Since I don't have airborne allergies it's easy for me to say, I would suffer at the beach rather than in the snow. lol On my trip from Louisiana to Settle I noticed that in some places my nose would start running so I am allergic to something but not at home. It would happen in some of the valleys where there were a lot of crops being grown. The first time it happened I thought I was coming down with the flu I felt so bad. I stopped at a drug store to get some flu medicine and had to lay down for a while.

Hope the filters will help.

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Re: Changes and going with the flow

Postby Queen » Sun Feb 12, 2017 5:16 pm

Evie - forgot to answer your question about snowbirding... not some we can afford, so we have to pick a place and light, if the condo ever sells (actually if we decide put it back on the market), we could travel full time in a small camper or rent/buy a place in IL.
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Re: Changes and going with the flow

Postby JudyJB » Sun Feb 12, 2017 7:46 pm

You might want to also get a de-humidifier to go along with the air filtration. Wish you luck. My limitation from now on is going to be mosquitos.
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Re: Changes and going with the flow

Postby Redetotry » Mon Feb 13, 2017 7:25 am

Queen wrote:As I wrote here about our failed move to FL, dealing with my allergies and asthma was just overwhelming, so we came home to IL. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=15288

Ahh, the best laid plans. My asthma is horrible here in IL, especially with this warm winter, add to that my honey wants to retire soon-ish, not possible while the condo is on the market, and it's not selling because of nuisance lawsuits from a neighbor (no bank will finance with open litigation).

Sooooo, we do own a 100% paid for condo at the beach. I found a three stage air filtration unit that people with mold allergies rave about, so we'll see how that does... if it works, we may just move back to Florida to our little condo. I wouldn't enjoy the bigots, bugs, or humidity, but I do love that beach.

Read up about air filtration systems and avoid any using ozone!
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Re: Changes and going with the flow

Postby Queen » Mon Feb 13, 2017 7:34 am

Thanks, BJ, when I started researching I found the cheaper ones use ozone, the better ones don't... and there is so much info out there about UV light as well.
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