Moving the body correctly

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Moving the body correctly

Postby Redetotry » Fri Jan 13, 2017 5:00 pm

Several of you have mentioned problems with moving various ‘body parts’. I have been going to therapeutic yoga classes for over ten years and I now also teach a yoga class. I realized recently I needed a refresher on correct bending. With three dogs, one who is 15 and needs help with the steps and has occasional accidents, my knees have been working overtime! By having my yoga instructor watch, she noticed I was extending my knees a bit over my ankles as I bent down. By making this correction, my knees are no longer complaining. I thought maybe some of you would benefit by some of the following suggestions. However, for those with artificial hips or knees you may have other accommodations your therapist has advised.

1. Bending over. Have your feet hip distance apart, stick your butt out so there is a curve in your lower back. Never just bend over without this adjustment! Have a slight bend in your knees, as you bend over watch where your knees go!! if you are extending beyond your ankle, move your hips farther back. As you come up, pull in your stomach muscles to come up with a flat lower back. Roll your shoulders back and keep your head down. As you come up keep your legs firm. If you keep your shoulders back and lift your head up gradually you won’t get dizzy and you are protecting your knees by keeping the legs firm. Making the legs firm, is an action that feels like you are pulling your leg muscles into the bone, you will also strengthen your legs and the area around your knees.

2. Lower back pain: Don’t lock your knees! Be aware of your posture when you are waiting in lines, doing dishes, any routine activity where you are standing for periods of time. Most will find your, knees are rigid/hyper extended.

3. Neck and shoulders: This is a link to a video to an instructor I have worked with in the past .

I know there are many online yoga videos but what you want is one where the instructor is talking you in the correct position as you go into the move. The instructions should be very detailed as you throughout the exercise. This type of yoga will more likely keep you from injuries and you will not only have more flexibility, you will strengthen your body.

I hope this will help, feel free to ask any questions.
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Re: Moving the body correctly

Postby Liz » Fri Jan 13, 2017 5:21 pm

Thanks for the tutorial and reminders, BJ. Especially appreciate the neck and shoulder video.
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Re: Moving the body correctly

Postby bluepinecones » Sat Jan 14, 2017 5:59 pm

thanks BJ
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