by JudyJB » Thu Nov 10, 2016 11:17 am
I'm back. I took Tuesday off as a "vacation day" from grading stuff, and then felt horribly stuffed up and headachy all day yesterday. This morning I discovered at least the reason for feeling horrible yesterday--forgot to take my morning pills. There are two for allergies and one is Sudafed, so no wonder I was stuffed up! Bad enough not being able to remember what day of the week it is, but forgetting my pills is bad. Also, one in the morning is for blood pressure, so that is not good also. Still stuffed up this morning, but it ought to get better.
Teaching three condensed classes this semester was probably not a good idea, because it is the equivalent of a full-time job. Also, been depressed about how many students are not bothering to read the stuff I post. I mostly post stuff that contains instructions and information about the writing assignments, and I identify other optional stuff as "Writing Tips" but about 30% of them are skipping all of it and just writing the letters and reports!! And, understand that because the college is private, not public, my junior-level three-credit-hour course costs $1,500. And none of us are allowed or want to grade on a curve at this college. About 15-20% will NOT be passing this mandatory class, so they will have to drop out or repeat it. And these are adults, many of whom are married with children, so why in the heck would they do this??? This college is a "senior" college, meaning it is 3rd and 4th year, plus graduate only, so most students have come from a community college, so our standards are probably a shock to many.
The good news is that there is no pressure at this place to pass students. In fact, they are pushing for quality, not quantity, because they want to maintain their good reputation. Their attitude is to "flunk'em" if they deserve to flunk, so flunk them I will!!! And so far, only 2 or 3 students out of 75 have even a chance at a full A.
And DPF, your shopping trip description cheered me up! I remember how those little hands can grab stuff. A very long time ago, I took my oldest in a stroller into K-Marts because I had to get just a couple of things. As I was loading him into the car, I found stuff in his stroller and had to take him and all the stuff he had "shoplifted" back into the store!!