Tonight's the night all the ghosts and goblins will be out roaming no the streets. I'm sure a number of you have the candy all ready. And I know it's your favorites, so you can eat the leftovers No trick or treating here. Only a couple families with young children and it's so dark in these rural areas, that many go into town or to the parties in the area. One of the churches here has a big bash with games,food and all kinds of things. Usually draws around 700 kids each year. Then tomorrow we head into November with the holidays ahead, daylight savings time change etc. and some of you making plans for GTG's.
Anita, I'm glad I''m not the only one who loses stuff off my back bumper. Been there done that a number of times. Be doing something and truck just happens to be handy to set something on the bumper. Donna, good luck looking at possible places to base. I thought maybe you were going to travel a bit first before finding a place, but I know that want of having a base to come home too. Beth, I can see you are so enjoying TX. That feeling of freedom of not having to work for awhile. CArol, going to be glad when you get to FL so we can chat once in awhile, miss our talks.
Well, time to get moving here. Banking and couple errands this morning. Getting ready to start painting in house now that weather is getting colder, although this week is going to be mild, so will be outside puttering around. Have a nice day everyone.