Well good morning sleepyheads'
So funny story, running the bath and ran out of hot water,
I go to flip the switch to hit the propane burner, at the
last minute I remembered I don't have that hot water tank
anymore and I've been running off the temporary little
electric one. Making a mental note here to get that
new tank on order and put in! Anyway, plans for today
are grandsons 4 year birthday celebration at ,,,,where else,
Peter Piper Pizza. Not my favorite place but the kids love
it. But I should be home by 3 giving me plenty of time to
something else. Maybe more work in the shed, really looking
forward to getting more accomplished in there.
Otherwise I still have a million things going through my mind
of stuff to do in prep for retirement. I think I need a list, haha.
Y'all have a great day, be safe and hope everyone has good weather,
some if you really need the break.